Electromagnetics & Transmission Lines Test Set 1

1)   In accordance to Newton's law, if two bodies m1 & m2 are separated by a distance R, then what would be the value of gravitational force between them?

a. m1m2 G/R2
b. m1m2/R2
c. m1m2 G2/R
d. (m1m2)2 G/R
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ANSWER: m1m2 G/R2

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2)   According to coulomb's law, what do the force between two point charges proportional to?

a. Addition of charges
b. Difference of charges
c. Product of charges
d. Integration of charges
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ANSWER: Product of charges

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3)   Which type of phenomenon is likely to occur, if two charges possess opposite sign?

a. Force of attraction
b. Force of repulsion
c. Force of stability
d. Force of equality
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ANSWER: Force of attraction

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4)   If a negative charge is absent corresponding to Faraday's experiment of concentric spheres, then where do the flux lines show termination?

a. At zero
b. At unity
c. At infinity
d. At radial field
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ANSWER: At infinity

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5)   Flux lines never _________

1. Cross each other
2. Depend on the medium where the charges are located
3. Show radial outward direction
4. Start from positive charge

a. 1 & 2
b. 3 & 4
c. 1 & 4
d. 2 & 3
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ANSWER: 1 & 2

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6)   During the representation of relationship between flux density and electric field density, what would be the value of relative permittivity for air medium?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 8.85 x 10-12 F/m
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7)   During the movement of a charge, potential energy undergoes _________

a. Expansion
b. Compression
c. Radiation
d. Reflection
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ANSWER: Expansion

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8)   The phenomenon of work done while moving a point charge in presence of an electric field is independent of _______

a. Position
b. Force
c. Path
d. All of the above
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9)   Work done becomes zero, if the selected path is located in _______ direction to electric field intensity (E)

a. Parallel
b. Perpendicular
c. Opposite
d. Adjacent
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ANSWER: Perpendicular

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10)   If the motion of charge (Q) is against the electric field with an additional requirement of external force, then what would be the nature of work done?

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Null (zero)
d. Infinity
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ANSWER: Positive

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11)   Which law/principle of conservation provides the basis for the continuity equation of current?

a. Mass action
b. Energy
c. Charge
d. Momentum
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ANSWER: Charge

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12)   Rate of decrease in charge for volume 'V' bounded by a surface is equal to ______

a. Incoming current rate
b. Outgoing current rate
c. Stable current rate
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Outgoing current rate

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13)   Which among the following elements is/are not possessed by steady state current?

a. Source
b. Sink
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Both a and b

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14)   Which among the following equation shows the correct relationship between electric field intensity and electric flux density?

a. Dt = ε0 Et
b. Et = ε0 Dt
c. Dt = Et0
d. (Dt + Et) = 1
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ANSWER: Dt = ε0 Et

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15)   In the equation DN = ρs, the normal component of electric flux density is equal to __________

a. Surface charge density
b. Volume charge density
c. Line charge density
d. Surface area
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ANSWER: Surface charge density

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16)   Which among the following is not a boundary condition between the conductor and the dielectric (ε = ε0 εr)?

a. Et = 0
b. Dt = 1
c. DN = ρs
d. EN = ρs / ε0εr
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ANSWER: Dt = 1

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17)   Consider the statements related to the case of boundary between two conductors. Which among them is/are incorrect?

a. Electric field must be parallel to the surface of good conductor
b. Static electric field inside the conductor is always zero
c. Surface of conductor is always an equipotential surface
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: Electric field must be parallel to the surface of good conductor

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18)   In a magnetic flux density, the total magnetic lines of force crossing a unit area in plane to the direction of flux are at _______

a. Acute angles
b. Obtuse angles
c. Right angles
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Right angles

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19)   What does the constant 'μ' indicate, while specifying the relation between magnetic flux density (B) and magnetic field intensity (H)?

a. Persistivity
b. Permittivity
c. Permissibility
d. Permeability
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ANSWER: Permeability

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20)   In magnetism, Biot-Savart law is well-known as _____ law of current element

a. Ampere's
b. Coulomb's
c. Joule's
d. Ohm's
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ANSWER: Ampere's

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21)   According to Biot-Savart law, which parameter/s exhibit/s an/the inverse relationship to the differential magnetic field intensity (dH)?

a. Current
b. Magnitude of differential length
c. Sine of angle between filament & line connecting differential length to point
d. Square of the distance from differential element to point
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ANSWER: Square of the distance from differential element to point

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22)   What does Maxwell's equation derived from Faraday's law, known as?

a. Motional Induction
b. Stationary Induction
c. Transformer Induction
d. Transistor Induction
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ANSWER: Transformer Induction

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23)   According to Lenz's law, if a magnet is moved away from the coil, which pole should be produced in the core by the current in order to resist the movement of magnet?

a. North pole
b. South pole
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: South pole

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24)   Which conceptual notion introduced by Maxwell, indicates the generation of magnetic field in an empty free space?

a. Displacement current
b. Velocity Vector current
c. Acceleration current
d. Projectile current
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ANSWER: Displacement current

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25)   Which among the following is also regarded as Twin-lead transmission line?

a. Open-wire
b. Underground cable
c. Co-axial cable
d. Waveguide
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ANSWER: Open-wire

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26)   Which type of transmission line/s exhibit/s less capacitance in comparison to underground cables?

a. Open-wire
b. Co-axial cables
c. Waveguides
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: Open-wire

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27)   By which phenomenon does the energy transmission take place between the walls of the tube in waveguides?

a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Dispersion
d. Absorption
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ANSWER: Reflection

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28)   Which points have maximum magnitude along the line?

a. Nodes
b. Antinodes
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Antinodes

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29)   What is the magnitude of current or voltage at the nodes of a line?

a. Zero
b. Unity
c. Infinite
d. None of the above
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30)   What does the line showing termination at R0 with an absence of standing wave and node/anti-node, known as?

a. Smooth line
b. Rough line
c. Load line
d. Point line
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ANSWER: Smooth line

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