Heat Transfer Test Questions - Set - 6

1)   What is the reason behind the fact that the thermal resistance of hollow cylinder for convection decreases with increase in the thickness of the insulation?

a. volume of insulating material increases and it transfer less heat energy
b. increase in surface area of the cylinder leads to less convective heat transfer
c. increase in surface area of the cylinder leads to more convective heat transfer
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: increase in surface area of the cylinder leads to more convective heat transfer

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2)   What is the critical thickness of insulation for hollow cylinder?

a. a thickness of insulation at which heat transfer rate from cylinder is minimum
b. a thickness of insulation at which heat transfer rate from cylinder is maximum
c. a thickness of insulation at which heat transfer from cylinder does not change with change in outside temperature
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: a thickness of insulation at which heat transfer rate from cylinder is maximum

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3)   When the thickness of an insulation is greater than the critical thickness of insulation, then the heat transfer rate of insulated pipe

a. will be more than the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation
b. will be less than the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation
c. will become equal to the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: will be less than the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation

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4)   When the thickness of insulation is less than the critical thickness of the insulation, then the heat transfer rate of insulated pipe

a. will be more than the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation
b. will be less than the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation
c. will become equal to the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: will be more than the heat transfer rate from the same pipe without insulation

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5)   If ri and ro are the inner and outer radii of the the cylinder with insulating layer of some thickness and k is the thermal conductivity of the insulating material and hi and ho are the convective heat transfer coefficients of inside and outside fluids respectively. What is the formula for critical radius of insulation (rc)?

a. rc = (ro – ri) / k
b. rc = k / (ro – ri)
c. rc = k / hi
d. rc = k / ho
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ANSWER: rc = k / ho

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6)   What is the advantage of using the spherical vessel to store fluids at low temperature?

a. heat transfer in sphere is restricted in all direction by insulation
b. sphere has the smallest volume per unit surface area
c. sphere has the largest volume per unit surface area
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: sphere has the largest volume per unit surface area

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7)   What is the correct formula for thermal resistance (Rk) of a spherical shell of inner and outer radii as ri and ro respectively and k being the thermal conductivity?

a. Rk= (ri – ro ) / 4 π ri ro k

b. Rk= 4 π ri ro k / (ri – ro )

c. Rk= (ri – ro ) / 4 π k

d. Rk= ri ro / 4 π k (ri – ro )
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ANSWER: Rk= (ri – ro ) / 4 π ri ro k

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8)   What is the formula of the thermal resistance for convection at the outer surface of spherical shell of inner and outer radii as ri and ro respectively? Taking ho as convection heat transfer coefficient of outer fluid.

a. Rc = 4 π ho ro2
b. Rc = 1 / 4 π ho ro2
c. Rc = 4 π ho ro
d. Rc = 1 / 4 π ho ro
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ANSWER: Rc = 1 / 4 π ho ro2

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9)   The critical radius of a hollow sphere having thermal conductivity k and ho as convecting heat transfer coefficient of outer fluid is given by

a. ho / k
b. k / ho
c. 2k / ho
d. ho / 2k
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ANSWER: 2k / ho

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10)   At the critical radius of insulation of a hollow sphere, the heat transfer will be

a. minimum
b. maximum
c. does not change
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: maximum

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11)   The buoyancy forces which give rise to the natural convection are called as

a. convection forces
b. fluid forces
c. body forces
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: body forces

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12)   The intensity of mixing of fluid in natural convection is

a. more than the intensity of mixing of fluid in forced convection
b. less than the intensity of mixing of fluid in forced convection
c. equal to the intensity of mixing of fluid in forced convection
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: less than the intensity of mixing of fluid in forced convection

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13)   What is the relation between convection heat transfer coefficients of natural convection and forced convection?

a. convection heat transfer coefficient of natural convection is lower than the convection heat transfer coefficient of forced convection
b. convection heat transfer coefficient of natural convection is more than the convection heat transfer coefficient of forced convection
c. convection heat transfer coefficients in both natural and forced convection are the same for same system
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: convection heat transfer coefficient of natural convection is lower than the convection heat transfer coefficient of forced convection

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14)   Below figure shows a natural convection heat transfer on a vertical flat plate surrounded by a fluid.
What is the relation between the upward velocity of the fluid and the distance from the bottom of the plate, when plate is hotter that fluid?

a. as the distance from the bottom of the plate increases, the upward velocity of the fluid near the plate surface decreases
b. as the distance from the bottom of the plate increases, the upward velocity of the fluid near the plate surface increases
c. the upward velocity of the fluid near the plate surface is same all over the plate
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: as the distance from the bottom of the plate increases, the upward velocity of the fluid near the plate surface increases

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15)   Assume a natural convection heat transfer on a vertical flat plate surrounded by a fluid. Where will be the fully developed turbulent layer of fluid established, if the plate is hotter than the fluid?

a. At the bottom of the plate
b. At the middle of the plate
c. At the top of the plate
d. Nowhere
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ANSWER: At the top of the plate

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16)   Below figure shows a natural convection heat transfer on a horizontal flat plate and fluid is above it. Which condition satisfies the figure below?

a. Plate temperature is lower than the fluid temperature
b. Plate temperature is higher than the fluid temperature
c. Plate temperature is equal to the fluid temperature
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: Plate temperature is higher than the fluid temperature

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17)   Assume fluid flowing in a tube forcefully. The velocity boundary layer develops along the tube. Thickness of this boundary layer increases in the flow direction until the boundary layer reaches the tube centre. This region from the tube inlet to the point at which the boundary layers merge at the centerline is called as

a. laminar entry region
b. hydraulic entry region
c. hydrostatic entry region
d. hydrodynamic entry region
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ANSWER: hydrodynamic entry region

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18)   What is hydro-dynamically developed region in fluid flowing inside a pipe?

a. a region where velocity profile of the fluid is partially developed
b. a region where velocity profile of the fluid is fully developed
c. a region where velocity profile of the fluid changes according to the distance
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: a region where velocity profile of the fluid is fully developed

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19)   What is the ratio of the buoyancy force to the viscous force acting on a fluid called?

a. Prandtl number (Pr)
b. Reynolds number (Re)
c. Nusselt number (Nu)
d. Grashof number (Gr)
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ANSWER: Grashof number (Gr)

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20)   In natural convection, the Nusselt number (Nu) depends on

a. Pr and Re
b. Gr and Re
c. Gr and Pr
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: Gr and Pr

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21)   The total radiation leaving a surface per unit time per unit surface area is called as

a. radiosity
b. irradiosity
c. irradiation
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: radiosity

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22)   Radiosity (J) is the sum of radiation

a. emitted, reflected and absorbed
b. emitted, reflected and transmitted
c. transmitted, reflected and absorbed
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: emitted, reflected and transmitted

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23)   Radiation shields are used

a. to increase radiant heat transfer
b. to decrease radiant heat transfer
c. to maintain radiant heat transfer constant
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: to decrease radiant heat transfer

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24)   Which surface can be best described as a radiation shield?

a. the surface which has very high absorptivity
b. the surface which has very high transmissivity
c. the surface which has very high reflectivity
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: the surface which has very high reflectivity

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25)   Which object can be used as a radiation shield?

a. polished transparent glass
b. mirror
c. rubber
d. all of the above
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ANSWER: mirror

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26)   Which of the following gases is/are not capable to emit and to absorb radiant heat energy?

a. Nitrogen (N2)
b. Water vapour (H2O )
c. Carbon monoxide (CO)
d. all of the above
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ANSWER: Nitrogen (N2)

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27)   Which of the following gases is/are capable to emit and to absorb radiant heat energy?

a. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
b. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
c. Ammonia (NH3)
d. all of the above
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ANSWER: all of the above

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28)   Gases absorb and emit radiant energy

a. in all wavelengths over the entire spectrum (λ = 0 to ∞)
b. only between narrow ranges of wavelengths
c. only at single constant wavelength
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: only between narrow ranges of wavelengths

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29)   Which among the following factors is/are taken into account in calculation of radiation emitted or absorbed by a gas layer?

a. thickness of the gas layer
b. shape of the gas enclosure
c. pressure in gas enclosure
d. all of the above
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ANSWER: all of the above

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30)   How is the incident radiation absorbed by a gas layer?

a. A gas layer absorbs incident radiation slowly
b. A gas layer absorbs incident radiation rapidly
c. doesn't matter
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: A gas layer absorbs incident radiation slowly

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31)   What are the compact heat exchangers?

a. the heat exchangers having small surface area per unit volume
b. the heat exchangers having large surface area per unit volume
c. the heat exchangers having small surface area per unit weight
d. the heat exchangers having large surface area per unit weight
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ANSWER: the heat exchangers having large surface area per unit volume

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32)   The heat exchanger is said to be compact when its area density is

a. equal to 700 m2/ m3
b. less than 700 m2/ m3
c. more than 700 m2/ m3
d. unpredictable
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ANSWER: more than 700 m2/ m3

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33)   Which of the following can be considered as more compact efficient heat exchanger?

a. Car radiators
b. Stirling engine regenerator
c. Ceramic regenerator in gas turbine
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: Stirling engine regenerator

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34)   The compact heat exchangers are commonly used in

a. gas to gas heat transfer
b. gas to liquid heat transfer
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: both a. and b.

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35)   Usually, the flow arrangement of two fluids in compact heat exchangers is

a. parallel flow
b. counter flow
c. cross flow
d. none of the above
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ANSWER: cross flow

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