Model Aptitude questions and answers for placement - Set 15

1)   If “&” implies “Add”, “@” implies “multiply”, “#” implies “subtract”, “$” implies “division”,
12 & 3 @ 2 # 32 $ 4 = ?

a. 12
b. 10
c. 13
d. 14
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 


12 & 3 @ 2 # 32 $ 4 = ?
By substituting appropriate mathematical symbols, we get,
12 + 3 * 2 – 32/4 = ?
12 + 3 * 2 – 8 = ?
12 + 6 – 8 = ?
18 – 8 = 10

2)   The combined age of husband and wife on their 20th wedding anniversary was twice than it was at the time of wedding. If the husband is 3 years older than his wife. How old was he at the time of his marriage?

a. 29 years
b. 38.5 years
c. 21.5 years
d. 32 years
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 21.5 years

Let the ages of husband and wife at the time of their 20th wedding anniversary be X years and Y years respectively and X > Y.
Their combined age = (X + Y) years.
The ages of both husband and wife at the time of wedding will be (X – 20) years and (Y – 20) years respectively.
Their combined age = (X – 20) + (Y – 20)
= (X + Y – 40) Years
By first information, we have
(X + Y) = 2( X + Y – 40)
X + Y = 2X + 2Y - 80
Therefore, X + Y = 80-------A
and by second information, we have
X – Y =3 ----------------------B
Solving A and B, we get X = 41.5 years
Therefore, the age of husband at the time of their 20th wedding anniversary X = 41.5 years
Age at the time of marriage = 41.5 years – 20 years = 21.5 years.

3)   3 of the 4 expressions (1), (2), (3) & (4) given below are exactly equal . Which of the expression is not equal to the other four expressions?

a. (A + B)2 - 4AB
b. (A – B)2 + 4AB
c. A2 + B2 - 4AB + 2AB
d. A2 – B2 + 2B(B – A)
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: (A – B)2 + 4AB

1) (A + B)2 – 4AB = A2 + 2AB + B2 - 4AB = A2 + B2 - 2AB
2) (A – B)2 + 4AB = A2 – 2AB + B2 + 4AB = A2+ B2 + 2AB
3) A2 +B2 – 4AB + 2AB = A2 + B2 - 2AB
4) A2 – B2 + 2B(B – A) = A2 – B2 + 2B2 – 2AB = A2 + B2 – 2AB

Therefore, (1) = (3) = (4) ≠ (2)
Therefore, expression (2) is wrong

4)   Sagar purchased 10 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 15 per kg and 25 kg of rice at the rate Rs. 14  per kg. He mixed the two and sold the mixture. Approximately at what rate per kg should he sell the mixture to make 40 % profit in the transaction?

a. Rs. 20.00
b. Rs. 19.50
c. Rs. 15
d. Rs. 17.5
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Rs. 20.00


Rice varietyQuantity(Kg)Rate(Rs/Kg)Cost(in Rs)
By 40% profit on cost price,
Selling price of mixture = 140/100 * 500
= Rs. 700
Therefore, selling price per kg of mixture = 700/35 = Rs. 20

5)   Arrange the following in a logical order:

1. Birth
2. College
3. Marriage
4. School
5. Employment

a. 1, 3, 5, 4, 2
b. 1, 4, 2, 5, 3
c. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
d. 2, 4, 1, 5, 3
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 1, 4, 2, 5, 3

The given words when arranged in the order of various events as they occur in man's life, the sequence is : Birth, School, College, Employment, Marriage.
Sequence is : 1, 4, 2, 5, 3.

6)   The product of two numbers is 266 and their difference is 5. What is the bigger number ?

a. 13
b. 15
c. 19
d. 24
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 


Let the two numbers be A and B, here A > B
AB = 266
B = 266/A -----------------(I)
A – B = 5 ----------- (II)
Substitute from (I) in (II), we get
A – 266/A = 5
A2 – 5A + 266 = 0
(A – 19)(A – 14) = 0
Therefore , A = 19 or A = 14
Hence, bigger number = A = 19

7)   P sells an article to Q at 10 % profit. Q sells it to R at 25 % profit. If R pays Rs. 250 for it, What did P pay for it ?

a. Rs. 225
b. Rs. 198..50
c. Rs. 181.81
d. Rs. 162.30
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Rs. 181.81

Selling price of P = Cost price of Q
Selling Price of Q = Cost price of R = Rs. 250 ….. Given
Q sold it to R with 25 % profit.
Cost price of Q = 100/125 * 250/1 = Rs. 200 = Selling price of P.
P sold it to Q with 10 % profit.
Cost price of P = 100 / 110 * 200 / 1 = Rs. 181.81

8)   If TIER is written as 7163 and BRAIN is written as 23415, how is RENT coded ?

a. 7536
b. 7653
c. 3657
d. 3765
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 3657

Given :
Letter : T I E R B A N
Code : 7 1 6 3 2 4 5
Thus, the code for RENT is 3657.

9)   The labeled price of a table is Rs. 7,500. The shopkeeper sold it by giving 5% discount on the labeled price and earned a profit of 15%. What approximately is the cost price of the table?

a. Rs. 5758
b. Rs. 6195
c. Rs. 6425
d. Rs. 7200
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Rs. 6195

Labeled price = Rs. 7,500
By giving 5% discount on labeled price, the selling price is
= 95 / 100 * 7500 = Rs. 7125
By earning 15% profit on the selling of price Rs. 7125 the cost price is
= 100 / 115 * 7125 = Rs. 6195.65
Therefore, approximate cost is 6195.65

10)   Two trains are traveling in the same direction at speeds of 50 kmph and 20 kmph respectively If the faster train passes the driver in the slower train in 20 seconds, What is the length of the faster train?

a. 150 m
b. 149 m
c. 162 m
d. 166 m
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 166 m

Given :
Speed of fast train = 50 kmph.
Speed of slow train = 20 kmph.
The driver in the slower train is moving with the speed of the slower train which is 20 kmph.
The faster train will pass the driver when it has gained a distance. Distance gained by faster train
in 1 hour = (50 – 20) = 30 km
= 8.33 m/sec
Distance gained by faster train in 20 sec = 20 * 8.33 = 166.6 m.
Therefore, Length of faster train = 166.6 m.

11)   A and B started a business in partnership. A invested Rs. 40000 for 6 months. A received Rs.6000 as his share out of the total profit of Rs. 9000, What was the amount invested by B for the whole year?

a. Rs. 8000
b. Rs. 10000
c. Rs. 5000
d. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Rs. 10000

Profits of A and B are distributed in the same ratio of their investment and period of investments.
Investment of A/ Investment of B = Profit of A/ Profit of B = 6000/3000
(40000*1/2)/X*1 = 2/1
Therefore, X = B's investment amount = Rs. 10,000.

12)   A sum of Rs. 4000 amounts to Rs. 4600 in 5 years at a certain rate of simple interest. What would be the amount, if the rate of interest is increased by 3 %.

a. Rs. 4900
b. Rs. 5000
c. Rs. 5200
d. Rs. 5600
e. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Rs. 5200

Principal = Rs. 4000, Amount = Principal + SI = Rs. 4600
SI = Amount – Principal = 4600 – 4000 = Rs. 600
Given : Principal = Rs. 4000, Time = T = 5 years and SI = Rs. 600
SI =PRT/100
600 = 4000 *R * 5/100
600 = 200R
R = 3 % p.a.
Now the new interest rate is = 3% + 3% = 6 % p.a.
SI = PRT/ 100 = 4000 * 6 * 5/ 100 = Rs. 1200
Amount = Principal + SI
= 4000 + 1200
= 5200