Differences between Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) in the .NET Compact Framework and LINQ in the full .NET Framework.

Differences between Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) in the .NET Compact Framework and LINQ in the full .NET Framework.

Differences between LINQ in .NET CF and LINQ in complete .Net Framework:

- In .Net CF only standard query operators are supported.
- In .Net CF LINQ to XML is supported except System.Xml.XPath extensions.
- In .Net CF VB query syntax for LINQ to Dataset does not support the Select clause where the operator is optional.
Limitations for using XML in the .NET Compact Framework.
limitations for using XML in the .NET Compact Framework: - XmlDataDocument class is not supported
Describes culture and globalization support provided by the .NET Compact Framework.
.NET Compact Framework - Describes culture and globalization support provided by the .NET Compact Framework.
Differences between generics in the .NET Compact Framework and in the full .NET Framework.
.NET Compact Framework - Differences between generics in the .NET Compact Framework and in the full .NET Framework.
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