Array - for Computer Science and MCA students

Describe the process of address calculation of Multi-Dimensional array.

You can calculate address of Multi-Dimensional by using the following formula.
  • row-major order
  • column-major order
In row-major order, elements of the rows of the array are stored contiguous and in column-major order, consecutive elements of the columns are contiguous in memory. To be able to use the above formula you have to consider some base address by yourself.

Suppose, the given array is arr1 [s1] [s2] [s3][s4].....[sn] and you have to find the address of cell arr [i1] [i2] [i3] [i4].....[in]

Row-major order:
Base address + (i1 * s2 * s3 * s4..... * sn + i2 * s3 * s4 * s5..... * sn + i3 * s4 * s5..... * sn + in-1 * sn + In) * Size of(Data_Type)

Column-major order:
Base address + (in * sn-2 * sn-3 * sn-4..... * s1 + in-1 * sn-2 * sn-3 * sn-4..... * s1 + in-2 * sn-3 * sn-4..... * s1 + I2 * s1 + s1) * Size of (Data_Type)

A character array is defined as char array [200][150][50]. Find the address of cell array [125][80][20].

Let us consider base address as 1000.

Row major order formula
= Base address + (i1 * s2 * s3 + i2 * s3 + i3) * Size of (Data_Type)
= 1000 + (125 * 150 * 50 + 80 * 50 + 20) * 1
= 1000 + 937500 + 4000 + 20
= 942520

Column major order formula
= Base Address + (i1 + i2 * s1 + i3 * s2 * s1) * Size of (Data_Type)
= 1000 + (125 + 80 * 200 + 20 * 200 * 150) * 1
= 1000 + (125+16000+600000)
= 617125

A float array is defined as float array [100][150][50]. Find the address of cell array [75][100][45].

Let us consider base address as 3000.

Row major order formula
= Base address + (i1 * s2 * s3 + i2 * s3 + i3) * Size of (Data_Type)
= 3000 + (75 * 150 * 50 + 100 * 50 + 45) * 4
= 3000 + (562500 + 5000 + 45) * 4
= 2273180

Column major order formula
= Base Address+ (i1 + i2 * s1 + i3 * s2 * s1) * Size of (Data_Type)
= 3000 + (75 + 100 * 100 + 45 * 150 * 100) * 4
= 3000 + (10075 + 45 * 15000) * 4
= 2743300