Learn where you should not use "the"

Where should you not use “the”?

The should not be used in following cases:

1. Before languages:


a. The English is an international language. - Incorrect
   English is an international language. – Correct

b. The Hindi is spoken across north India. – Incorrect
   Hindi is spoken across north India. - Correct

2. Before Abstract nouns:


a. The beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. - Incorrect
    Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. – Correct

b. The truth can’t be hidden. – Incorrect
    Truth can’t be hidden. – Correct

Honesty, Beauty, Truth, Love etc. are abstract nouns.

However, if the abstract noun is particularized, i.e. the name of some person or place is attached to it, “the” is used.

For example: The integrity demonstrated by him was highly appreciated.

3. Before the names of metals:


a. The gold is a costly metal. - Incorrect
    Gold is a costly metal. – Correct

b. The silver turns black on oxidation. - Incorrect
    Silver turns black on oxidation. - Correct

However, if the metal is particularised, i.e. the name of a place or person is attached to it, the is used.

For example: The gold of India has the best shine.

4. Before the names of foodgrains:


a. The rice is the staple food of the Bengalis. - Incorrect
    Rice is the staple food of the Bengalis. - Correct

b. The wheat requires high temperature to grow. - Incorrect
    Wheat requires high temperature to grow. - Correct

However, if the name of the foodgrain is particularized, i.e. it is attached with the name of a place or person, “the” is used.

For example: The wheat of Gujarat is of high quality.

5. Before the names of meals:

a. He had the dinner with his friends. - Incorrect
    He had dinner with his friends. – Correct

b. The breakfast is the first meal of the day. – Incorrect
    Breakfast is the first meal of the day. – Correct

When the meal is a particular one, we use the.

For example: The wedding dinner was held at the Hyatt Regency.

6. Before the names of games:


a. The football is a popular game. - Incorrect
    Football is a popular game. - Correct

b. The cricket is the religion of India . - Incorrect
    Cricket is the religion of India – Correct

7. Before collective nouns used in general terms:

a. The Parliament has held the bill. - Incorrect
    Parliament has held the bill. - Correct

b. The mankind is responsible for the destruction of forests. – Incorrect
    Mankind is responsible for the destruction of forests. – Correct

Mankind, Parliament, Cattle, Society, Team etc. are collective nouns.

Here are some very common sentences in which “the” is used in a wrong way. The table below gives you both the incorrect as well as the correct form of each sentence.
1. He is a follower of Geeta.He is a follower of the Geeta.
2. The teachings of Geeta are followed not only in India but also in USA.The teachings of the Geeta are followed not only in India but also in USA.
3. Ganga originates from Gangotri.The Ganga originates from the Gangotri.
4. None but brave deserves the fair.None but the brave deserves the fair.
5. That the peace is important is known to those who have seen war.That peace is important is known to those who have seen war.
6. Shakespeare is Kalidas of England.Shakespeare is the Kalidas of England.
7. The gold is a costly metal.Gold is a costly metal.
8. Gold of Zambia is exported to many countries.The gold of Zambia is exported to many countries.
9. Vedas are revealed books.The Vedas are revealed books.
10. Hindustan Times gives the most updated news.The Hindustan Times gives the most updated news.
11. The man is mortal.Man is mortal.
12. Rabbit is delicate animal.The rabbit is a delicate animal.
13. Deeper you go, hotter it is.The deeper you go, the hotter it is.
14. Tibetans are Buddhists.The Tibetans are Buddhists.
15. U.S.A is the most powerful country of the world.The U.S.A is the most powerful country of the world.
16. The statesman and the scholar is dead.The statesman and scholar is dead.
17. In India, the Parliament is supreme.In India, Parliament is supreme.
18. The society does not permit this.Society does not permit this.
19. The hockey is a popular game.Hockey is a popular game.
20. Hockey played in India is of an inferior standardThe hockey played in India is of an inferior standard
21. Mother enjoyed the dinner with her friends.Mother enjoyed dinner with her friends.
22. Dinner was held at the IBIS hotel.The dinner was held at the IBIS hotel.
23. Guptas are social people.The Guptas are social people.
24. The Hindi is a rich language.Hindi is a rich language.
25. Hindi spoken in north India is of high grade.The Hindi spoken in north India is of high grade.
26. The patience is a great virtue.Patience is a great virtue.
27. Patience of Gandhi was famous.The patience of Gandhi was famous.
28. The water is necessary for life.Water is necessary for life.
29. Water of the Ganga never gets polluted.The water of the Ganga never gets polluted.
30. The summer is a hot season.Summer is a hot season.
31. Summer of last year was very hot.The summer of last year was very hot.
32. Delhi is a Paris of India.Delhi is the Paris of India.
33. He is a Salman Khan of our class.He is the Salman Khan of our class.
34. Hindu culture assigns highest position to pandit.The hindu culture assigns the highest position to the pandit.
35. Wheat of Punjab is sent to other states of India.The wheat of Punjab is sent to other states of India.