Distinguish among regression, mathematical and empirical estimating models - Project management (PMP)

Distinguish among regression, mathematical and empirical estimating models.

Regression: The emphasis is on creating a formula that best represents the scattered data points.
Mathematical: the emphasis is on matching the data to the form an existing mathematical function.
COCOMO estimating model- Project management (PMP)
COCOMO stands for constructive cost model. It is used for software cost estimation and uses regression formula with parameters based on historic data...
Advantages of COCOMO estimating model - Project management (PMP)
Advantages of COCOMO estimating model are: COCOMO is factual and easy to interpret. One can clearly understand how it works......
Disadvantages of COCOMO estimating model - Project management (PMP)
Disadvantages: a. COCOMO model ignores requirements and all documentation. b. It ignores customer skills, cooperation, knowledge and other parameters.......
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