Which of the following are Collection Exceptions?

- All of the Above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the Above

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Collection Exceptions

A collection is an ordered group of elements having the same data type. Each element is identified by a unique subscript that represents its position in the collection. Following are the collection exceptions:
1. COLLECTION_IS_NULL : You try to operate on an atomically null collection.
2. NO_DATA_FOUND : A subscript designates an element that was deleted, or a nonexistent element of an associative array.
3. SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT : A subscript exceeds the number of elements in a collection.
4. SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT : A subscript is outside the allowed range.
5. VALUE_ERROR : A subscript is null or not convertible to the key type. This exception might occur if the key is defined as a PLS_INTEGER range, and the subscript is outside this range.

Prajakta Pandit 02-20-2017 06:18 AM

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