Each question(16-20) in this part of the assessment starts with a reading passage containing the information to be used to choose between correct and incorrect logical conclusions. These conclusions are based on the information in the passage. After reading passage, you are given a lead-in phrase that tells you to choose from among five different responses.

Ever since I arrived at the college last week, I've been shocked by the poor behavior of the students. The student population is completely lacking in proper social skills.

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above conclusion?

- a. Students who are away from their parents often exhibit rude behavior.
- b. The college numbers over 50,000 students.
- c. The narrator is a student and has interacted with many students.
- d. Social skills should not be expected of college students.
- e. The narrator was reluctant to stay at the college.

CORRECT ANSWER : b. The college numbers over 50,000 students.

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