Even though a table space may be dropped, the objects and data in it are still available

- True
- False


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wrong answer

If we drop a tablespace we can these two ways
that are
1.By using "drop tablespace;"
This command drops only tablespace but datafile and content can't drop. By using "reuse" clause we can use in another tablespace or we can create a new tablespace.
1.alter tablespace talespace name add datafile ' datafile location' reuse;
2.create tablespace tablespace name datafile 'datafile location' reuse;

2.By using "drop tablespace including contents and datafiles;"
This command drops tablespace including datafile and content of datafile.

likhitha 07-14-2016 01:48 AM

Wrong Question

Question itself is wrong.
We can not drop a tablespace if it cantains object.
Specify INCLUDING CONTENTS to drop all the contents of the tablespace. You must specify this clause to drop a tablespace that contains any database objects. If you omit this clause, and the tablespace is not empty, then the database returns an error and does not drop the tablespace.

Garima Jain 02-12-2016 12:20 PM

wrong q.

wrong one bro...

devil 08-3-2014 02:51 AM

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