Which of the following commands delete the files from the /tmp directory, issued by non-root user?

- rmdir -rf /tmp/*
- rm -rf /tmp/* -su
- su -c "rm -rf /tmp/*"
- su "rm -rf /tmp/*"

CORRECT ANSWER : su -c "rm -rf /tmp/*"

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Wrong Answer

su -c "rm -rf /tmp/*" is wrong answer it should be
su -c " rm -f /tmp/*" because "-r" parameter is used for remove the directories "-f" parameter is used for forcefully. So if you run the su -c "rm -rf /tmp/*" it wil delete all the directories from the /temp directory.

Correct Ans: su -c "rm -f /tmp/*"

Krishna Kumar 05-30-2017 02:50 AM

wrong answer

su -c "rm -rf /tmp/*' removes all the directories inside /tmp along with all file in /tmp

it should have been #su -c "rm -f /tmp/*'

laxmareddy 09-5-2016 11:42 AM


so nice

nabi hussaian 08-28-2014 01:14 AM

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