A Ref cursor can be passed from one procedure to another

- True
- False


Discussion Board
Ref Cursor

The above statement is true. A ref cursor can be passed from one procedure to another. A ref cursor is a variable, defined as a cursor type, which will point to, or reference a cursor result. The advantage that a ref cursor has over a plain cursor that can be passed as a variable to a procedure or a function. A ref cursor can be assigned to another ref cursor variable. This is a powerful capability in that the cursor can be opened, passed to another block for processing, then returned to the original block to be closed. The cursor variable can also be returned by a function and assigned to another variable. A ref cursor variable is not a cursor, but a variable that points to a cursor. Before assigning a cursor variable, a cursor type must be defined.

Prajakta Pandit 02-10-2017 01:44 AM

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