How do we delete a dynamically allocated array named `i`?

- delete [0]i;
- delete []i;
- delete i[0];
- free(i);


Discussion Board
agree with writer

dynamic representation of array is
i = (int *)malloc(arraysize*sizeof(int));
to delete array call
free(i); in c

rahul 11-13-2014 09:33 AM

agreed with the comment

delete i; it will delete memory of first element of the array. To delete whole array we have to do delete []i .

pallavi 09-4-2014 02:59 AM


yes, definitely. That is a question for C++.

Federico 04-26-2014 01:53 PM


agree with the comment above

anonymouse 04-2-2014 10:52 PM

Deleting an array

This is a wrong question/answer for C for two reason:
(i) delete keyword is not C it is C++,
(ii) deleting an array in C++ is "delete [] i;"

abbas 11-26-2013 12:02 PM

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