fputs function is used to

1. write characters to a file
2. takes 2 parameters
3. returns a character
4. requires a file pointer

- all are true
- all are false
- only 1 and 2 are true
- only 1,2 and 4 are true

CORRECT ANSWER : only 1,2 and 4 are true

Discussion Board

-fputs function is used to write a string or an array of characters into a file.
Syntax: fputs(char *buffer,FILE *fp)
-It will take 2 parameters i.e buffer & file pointer. It writes the specified string from the buffer into specified file.

Sapna 02-16-2017 02:35 AM


- fputs stands for file put string.
- It writes an array of characters to a given file stream.
- It is included in stdio.h.

Aparna 07-5-2013 08:14 AM

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