Confidence testing refers to:

- Smoke testing
- Retesting
- Regression testing
- All of these.

CORRECT ANSWER : Smoke testing

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I want to gain confidence tell me how

Jaskaran singh 09-27-2019 07:48 AM

Confidence testing

Answer: Smoke testing
Solution: Smoke testing is also known as normal health checkup or confidence testing. It is done to verify wheather the main and critical functionality are working fine or not.
Retesting: Retesting is also known as confirmation testing. It is performed by the tester to verify that the defect or bug has been successfully removed or not.
Regression Testing: Regression testing is performed after fixing defects, to ensure the change code has not affected the unchanged area of build.
Therefore, Option A is correct.

Rohit Srivastava 07-28-2014 02:36 AM

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