If a man walks at five-sixth of his usual speed by which he walks towards his office, he found out that he is 20 minutes too late. Find his usual speed to cover the distance between his home and office?

- 100 min
- 80 min
- 120 min
- 110 min


Discussion Board
Here the Distance is same in both cases

Lets assume Usual speed be "s"
D = D { Distance as usual speed = Distance in second case} are same
S*T = S*T
S*T = (5/6)S(T-20)
6T = 5T -100
T = 100 MIN

Prachi kakade 07-9-2020 01:54 PM

incorrect options

asked to find out speed but the options are in minutes

SAI ROOPA 05-28-2020 05:31 AM

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