Steps to get your RSS file up on the web - RSS

Describe the steps to get your RSS file up on the web.

- Authors add the content on the website through the content management programs. These programs have a publish facility that creates the HTML files.
- These programs can even update the RSS feed XML file simultaneously. Thus they add an item that refers to the new content and then they remove old content.
- Authors who do not use special tools maintain the XML files on their websites by themselves
- Some services even read requested websites themselves periodically and then determine changes automatically.

Describe the steps to get your RSS file up on the web.

The following are the steps to up RSS on the web:

1. Give a name for RSS file with extension of .xml
2. Make sure that the RSS file is validated
3. Upload the validated RSS file to the web directory on the web server
4. Copy RSS and XML orange buttons to the web directory
5. Place the orange RSS and XML button on the page. Add a link for the buttons to the specific RSS fie.

For example:
<a href=”your web site/rss/mousefeed.xml”>
<img src=”image file path” width=”size” height=”size”>
</a>Submit the RSS feed to RSS feed directories using RSS aggregation services

6. Register the feeds with all major search engines. The following are the links to get the feeds registered:
Yahoo -
Google -

Now on all the contents need to be updated to the registered site.
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