How could you modify XAML content from JavaScript? - Silverlight

What ASP.NET control can embed XAML into ASP.NET pages?

- The asp:Silverlight is used to embed XAML into ASP.Net pages.

- The following code snippet illustrates this:
<asp:Silverlight ID="Xaml" runat="server" Source="../ClientBin/sample.xap" Width="100%" Height="100%"

- A control called is provided for embedding the XAML.

Some of the attributes of <asp:Xaml> are:

XamlURL: The URL of the Silverlight XAML file to include.

MinimumSilverlightVersion: The minimum version of the silverlight that it needs to be checked.

ScaleMode: It is used to scale the embedded media.

Width: The width (in pixels) of the silverlight control.

Height: The height (in pixels) of the silverlight control.
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