A binary tree of depth “d” is an almost complete binary tree if

- Each leaf in the tree is either at level “d” or at level “d–1”
- For any node “n” in the tree with a right descendent at level “d” all the left descendants of “n” that are leaves, are also at level “d”
- Both a and b
- None of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : Both a and b

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Data Structure - Binary Tree

A binary tree of depth “d” is an almost complete binary tree if each leaf in the tree is either at level “d” or at level “d–1” and for any node “n” in the tree with a right descendent at level “d” all the left descendants of “n” that are leaves, are also at level “d”.

Prajakta Pandit 02-1-2017 07:09 AM

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