_________________ function to read a specified number of elements from a file.

- gets()
- fileread()
- readfile()
- fread()
- getline()


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-fread() function in C is used to read a block of elements from file stores it at specified memory.

Syntax: fread(void *block, int size, int ntimes, FILE *pt);

Where, size specifies the size in bytes of individual element. ntimes indicate the number of time is to be repeated.
e.g. float a;
FILE *fp;

Sapna 02-16-2017 12:59 AM

i join you

please i join me because i study software programing and i need help but free of cost


naseer 01-1-2016 06:21 AM

fread function.

Answer : fread().

In the C Programming Language, the fread function reads the number of elements from the stream. The fread function returns the number of elements read. The fread function will return zero if number of elements are zero or size is zero.

Jayesh Sonar 02-24-2015 02:21 AM

gets() and getline()

gets()- is used to scan a line of text from a standard input device.

getline()- It is the preferred method for reading lines of text from a stream.

Aparna 07-5-2013 08:02 AM

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