Pesticide Paradox principle of testing says that:

- Clustering modules that contain most of the defects.
- Finding and fixing defects does not help if the system built is unstable.
- Testing is done differently in different context.
- Test cases need to be regularly reviewed and revised.

CORRECT ANSWER : Test cases need to be regularly reviewed and revised.

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Pesticide Paradox Principle

Answer: Test cases need to be regularly reviewed and revised.

Solution: Pesticide Paradox Principle: If we use same test cases for testing the application or program, then it will not be useful for finding any new defect. To overcome this problem we need to be regularly review and revise the test cases, this is known as the pesticide paradox principle.
Therefore, Option D is correct.

Rohit Srivastava 07-28-2014 02:31 AM

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