DARK DISPARITY-widening gap between RICH and POOR

In the latest report by OXFAM..some mind numbing stats has been put forward like 85 of the richest people on this planet have money which is net worth of "3.5 billion people put together that's like half of human population".
This is alarming as it corroborates to the fact the very fundamental policy of providing right to equality is not able to serve it's purpose.
It is also concerning as policy being formulated for the upliftment of poor has failed drastically.
The privilege influence policy making ,has financial base to multiply their wealth and holds control over economic environment of a country.
A popular saying "wall street governs the real street" is so apt,as we harrumph growth devoid of development.
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  • RE: DARK DISPARITY-widening gap between RICH and POOR -Rishika Jalan (04/24/14)
  • The gap between the rich and the poor in our country India is growing wide by the day. And in such a condition it is impossible for the economy to grow and develop. Very small proportion of our population is called the rich and has millions of money, whereas on the other hand the proportion of the poor is increasing. There is no policy of wealth equality which is followed in our country and due to which sustainable development is also not possible. On top of this the rich easily get rid of their tax payment by giving bribes to tax officials, whereas the poor are forced to pay a huge amount of taxes out of the little income they earn. Thus there is a dark disparity in our country which is widening the gap between the rich and the poor.