Globalization Vs Nationalism

Globalization Vs Nationalism

Globalization and Nationalism are said to be the two different parts of the same coin. In a way, both are connected with each other, and still are very different from each other. In the changing world, where world is shrinking with the use of latest technology, people are finding it tough to stay in touch with their own sense of nationalism. Is globalization hurting nationalism? Are we paying a huge cost to become a part of modern and global world?


• Globalization is the only way to enhance the trade relations between any two countries. It is the medium to eliminate the global trade barriers.

• Globalization is about the open communication not within the country but across the world. It is uniting the world into a single entity.

• Globalization is not about the cultural imperialism but about the cultural exchange where the different ethnic groups from various companies try to know each other’s culture.

• People can change their perception and habits. It is the impact of globalization. It doesn’t teach them to forgo their patriotism for the country.

• Economic Nationalism gives birth to protectionism that is really harmful for the overall global economy. And if globally economy declines, it will even have the same impact on our country.


• Globalization is destroying the culture and heritage of a number of countries and the ethnic groups surviving in it.

• The greatest negative impact of globalization is seen on the national language. The people who communicate in Hindi are thought to be backward and illiterate.

• West is clearly dominating the entire world. It is killing the nationalism under the shadow of globalization.

• Cultural Imperialism is the drawback arising from the globalization that in a way forces the developing or under-developed countries to follow the ideas and use the products set by the West.

• Globalization leads to a higher percentage if immigration that can have a negative impact on the social structure of the country.


Globalization can reduce the importance of nationalism only if the citizens of country will allow it to happen. Globalization is about the advancement but if the people will confuse the wrong living styles with globalization then they are at fault. Narendra Modi is working on improving the trade relations between the other countries and is using Hindi language for diplomatic talks, giving a clear message to respect the nationalism and be a part of globalization.
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  • RE: Globalization Vs Nationalism -DINKER MISHRA (07/05/14)
  • Let me start from the basic structure, if a state of a country doing trade with other its a form of nationalisation. Doing so people of one state will linked with other state and will share their feelings and thought that leads to self improvement and also feeling of patriotist will increase.
    In other sense globalisation means linking of trade and commerce between countries and this leads to same sharing and enhancement of feeling and thoughts between the people of country. Further globalisation leads to friendly relation between countries which in turn make the world one part.

    So. Last but not the least nationalisation is good but globalisation is the best.
  • RE: Globalization Vs Nationalism -Akash Mishra (06/18/14)
  • enhancing globalization is okay subjected that u must not neglect you culture and heritage
  • RE: Globalization Vs Nationalism -deepak (06/18/14)
  • globalisation is a process that it unite whole country .sharing of their culture different product helping each other in different situation due to globalisation only countrires shape can show to the world invest from other country is due to only globalisation .

    it only bring new developmetn in different field bring to country .
  • RE: Globalization Vs Nationalism -Deepa Kaushik (06/18/14)
  • Everything in this world has its own pros and cons; so are the globalization and nationalism. Nothing in this universe is complete in itself, everything is interdependent. Both globalization and nationalism has to converge at a point to provide a rich culture for the nation.

    Globalization does not necessarily mean westernization. Globalization is the intermixing of the culture, trade, and relationship between the countries. This has many positive virtues provided we focus on the positive side of globalization. We can have a strong international bonding and gain immense strength to combat many concerns especially in under-developed and developing countries with an effective globalization.

    Nationalism has its own traits. Being a patriot does not mean that the person is backward in thinking and action; but he is giving respect to his own nation, culture, language etc. The feelings and the emotions are really appreciable.

    For an effective economy, one need to move the steps ahead along with the other nations, simultaneously keeping up the self esteem. Hence, both globalization and nationalism need to go hand-in-hand.