E-tailing will lead to the end of local retailers

E-tailing will lead to the end of local retailers

Don’t be surprised with the word e-tailing. It is nothing but the other name for e-retailing where people buy the retail products by using electronic media. First it was restricted to the personal computers and laptops but now it is frequently done on the Smartphones. The word e-tailing started to get meaning in late 1990s. It works on the business to consumer model. B2C is an independent business models but a subset of ecommerce. The e-tailing shops are getting popular day by day. Even the online companies are now listed on the stock exchange. It is going on massive scale. Seeing the present scenario, do you think that e-tailing will lead to the end of local retailers?


• The customers find it easy to use the e-tailing sites to shop that will slowly give place to a wider global market leading to end of local retailers.

• Time is the major problem in today’s world as people might be free but occupied with technology. In such a place, only e-tailing will work.

• Consumers will prefer e-tailing stores as they find it convenient to search the types of goods they want.

• Inflation is rising up and so people think it best to find the best rates on e-tailing websites and save some bucks. Idea is to use the price discrimination effectively.

• e-tailing websites are updated quickly, so the new products get available quickly. It makes buyers prefer e-tailing over local retailers.


• No matter what, people cannot get the joy and happiness they get when they shop with local retailers.

• E-tailing has to solve many problems linked with the use of the personal data when people shop. Recently, eBay site was attacked by illegal elements.

• People will prefer to shop from local retailers as the graphic representation cannot take the place of live samples.

• E-tailing stores need a complete knowledge about how to use the technology to develop the business. Everyone has not got the technical expertise to enter into e-tailing world.

• E-tailing is linked with the other major problems including the use of the digital products and delivery of the products.

• Local retailers are always going to stay as all the people are not tech savvy. Moreover, there are people who just love to hop around.


There are many benefits e-tailing offers to the customers. It is in the form of more flexible transactions in terms of time, price and convenience. Moreover, it suits the modern lifestyle of people. In fact, the big brands now launch their products first online and then opt for local retailers. The trend is specially getting popular in electronics and mobile market. After all no one will want to miss out the dynamic pricing benefits. The e-tailing world is growing but it doesn’t means that it is the end of local retailers. If people buy one thing from e-tailing websites they buy other five things from local retailers. It might affect the business to some extent but can never prove fatal to the local retailers.
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  • RE: E-tailing will lead to the end of local retailers -Deepa Kaushik (08/02/14)
  • E-tailing is definitely a new phenomena but it has its impact in-depth to the lifestyle of the people. With the emergence of the Internet, the local market has lost its charm evidently and our older trends of enjoying the shopping has been lost.

    People in today’s world don’t have time enough for family, or friends. Personal life has been lost somewhere. In such a scenario, people can hardly find any leisure time for stuff like shopping and recreation. It has been an evolving trend to shop everything online and getting the things delivered at home. People definitely have grown lazy to have any sort of physical exercise and try to find more and more comforts in the lifestyle. The e-tailing has been a charm and attraction to all those who want things just a click away.

    The local markets and retailers are having a tough time with this Internet age. Though, in country like India many people still go out for the shopping of day-to-day usables, still the young generation today is paving way to the e-tailing. The future India would definitely create a set-back to the retailers in the local markets. The youth today is much aware of the e-shopping and are flowing away with the trend of e-tailing. This mindset is giving a clear preview of an end to the local retailers.