Oracle Distributed Transactions Concepts - Placement questions

Oracle Distributed Transactions Concepts - Placement questions

1) If all statements of a transaction reference to only a single remote node, then the transaction is remote and it is not distributed.

A) True
B) False
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2) Which of the following are supported by transaction control statements?

A) Commit, Rollback, Savepoint
B) Alter,Execute,Drop
C) Insert, Remove, Delete
D) All of the above
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ANSWER: A) Commit, Rollback, Savepoint

3) In the session tree what is the role that has a node which is forced to reference data on other nodes to complete its part of the transaction.

A) Client
B) Database server
C) Global coordinator
D) Local coordinator
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ANSWER: D) Local coordinator

4) Which of the following performs the following operations during a distributed transaction?

1) Sends all of the distributed transaction SQL statements, remote procedure calls, and so forth to the directly referenced nodes, thus forming the session tree.
2) Instructs all directly referenced nodes other than the commit point site to prepare the transaction.
3) Instructs the commit point site to initiate the global commit of the transaction if all nodes prepare successfully.

A) Database server
B) Local coordinator
C) Global coordinator
D) Commit point site
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ANSWER: C) Global coordinator

5) Which condition is applied while determining the commit point site?

A) A read-only node can be the commit point site
B) If multiple nodes directly referenced by the global coordinator have the same commit point strength, then the database designates one of these as the commit point site
C) If a distributed transaction starts with a rollback, then the prepare and commit phases are not needed
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: B) If multiple nodes directly referenced by the global coordinator have the same commit point strength, then the database designates one of these as the commit point site

6) When a node is told to prepare, it can respond in several ways, one of the ways is “no data on the node has been or can be modified, so no preparation is necessary”. This response is called as?

A) Prepared
B) Read-only
C) Abort
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: B) Read-only

7) Select the correct case for which only queries are issued at one or more nodes.

A) Partially read-only
B) Completely read-only with prepare phase
C) Completely read-only without two-phase commit
D) B and C
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ANSWER: A) Partially read-only

8) Distributed transactions can become in-doubt in which of the following way?

A) A server machine running Oracle Database software crashes
B) A network connection between two or more Oracle Databases involved in distributed processing is connected
C) An unhandled software error does not occurs
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: A) A server machine running Oracle Database software crashes

9) A system change number (SCN) is not an internal timestamp for a committed version of the database.

A) True
B) False
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ANSWER: B) False

10) The database uses SCNs to coordinate distributed transactions among different databases. The database uses SCNs in which of the following ways?

A) An application establishes a connection using a database line
B) The distributed transaction commits with the highest global SCN among all the databases involved
C) The commit global SCN is sent to all databases involved in the transaction
D) Both A & B
E) All mentioned above
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ANSWER: E) All mentioned above

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