Techno Toys with internet - boon or a curse?

Techno Toys with internet – boon or a curse?


Wonder Workshop will soon begin shipping of their new technologically advanced toys that are controlled by apps. Dash and Dot, as they named the toys, are robots that work with mobile apps and they can be taught to behave physically via the app. Digitalizing physical toys for children, according to the manufacturers, is really helpful in making the child combine learning playfully. But can we ignore the adverse effects that will come handy with these luring toys? You introduce kids to video games and they give up other indoor games altogether. What is supposed to happen when kids are introduced to these attractive digitalized as well as internet connected toys? Parents are already concerned about the excessive screen time children have these days and these robots are all set to worsen the worries.

They are a boon:

1. These toys have physical elements of playing like a robot toy combined with the connection with a Smartphone app. This could actually lessen the pure screen time kids have with video games, television, play stations, etc. Since they are not confined to a two dimensional screen, they cannot be counted in the list of other gadgets that increase the screen time of kids.

2. These toys are less disposable than any other physical toy or digital toy with which kids get bored of after a few days or weeks. As soon as the kids gets acquainted with the stuffs in the app, it can be updated to the next level and a whole new set of playful activities come along, making the toy a brand new source of interest for children.

3. The games are designed according to age of children. A total of four different apps shall be controlling a single toy. For children of different age group, a specific app has been built to suit their interests and needs. They are designed keeping in mind the growth and development of kids. The times children spend with video games and television are not so likely so prove helpful to them than these more advanced toys.

4. These gadgets can move, use internet connections and brings a more powerful experience to children who get the feeling of indulging in, say a car racing game, along with the real-time movement of the toy. These toys are said to follow commands and work according to instructions which would be helpful in increasing real interactions with kids.

5. Curiosity is at the highest level amongst children. Direct usage of internet can have its cons but the kids are still curious of laying hands on the most popular of the tools available online. This toy will give them just the required amount of exposure to the online world of technology. There is fear of exposure to inappropriate content.

6. Studies have found that children playing with these technologically advanced gadgets have better thinking skills. They are more likely to be smarter in learning new things and indulge in creative and productive activities.

They are a curse:

1. Childhood obesity, sedentary lifestyle, less socializing with real people, developing virtual fantasies are some of the most talked about cons of introducing these techno toys to children at an early age. Gone are the days when outdoor sporting activities used to be the routine for kids during evening hours; now they prefer either video games or television. This new toy is just going to be an addition to the list.

2. Children might get addicted to these games and when they do not get these when desired, reports claim that the child might get aggressive, cranky, or even violent at occasions. Some children make it a part of their daily living and play with them as chores of daily life. This is definitely not a good thing to happen to a developing child.

3. These toys can be quite a distraction and parents are most likely to find their children spending more than safe hours with these toys. They can fall back on studies, outdoor sports, and regular activities, get clumsy, or even go through the phrase of mind-numbing hours with these toys.

4. Children spending more hours with techno toys are less likely to indulge in other activities with friends. This might lead to isolation, negative behavior, even stressful effect over children.


Though manufacturers might do this entirely for the sake of business, it is parents who have to keep the children under complete guidance to prevent them from overusing or excessive usage of these techno-gadgets-toys. They are neither completely boon nor total curse. Just like the world of internet connectivity, there are pros and cons.
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  • RE: Techno Toys with internet – boon or a curse? -swathi (12/26/14)
  • well it is very useful..but u can still improve the sentences in clear manner way..bcz everyone may not understand properly,still u may clearly explain in simple English language,buz now-a-days everyone are try to speak in campus interview in smiple manner..
  • RE: Techno Toys with internet – boon or a curse? -Deepa Kaushik (12/15/14)
  • The advancement of technology is more of a curse for a healthy living. Though we cannot deny a few benefits that ease out the living and lifestyle for this fast life, yet we cannot oversee the undue troubles that we land in due to these technology coming into play and replacing the active life.

    Techno toys could help in providing a better occupancy of the leisure time for the kids with the assurance of the kids remaining out of the ill-effects of the internet. techno toys also help in better judgement, thinking and aptitude skills with better response time to the given stimulus. But how can we deny the fact that the kids get addicted to these toys and avoid the real time space, friends, family and the practical living in the existent life?

    Techno toys not only keeps children busy during their leisure hours, but they also distract the attention of the children during their productive hours of education. Education is not only limited to the bookish studies, but it also includes the sports, art and other creative events that helps in the development of the mind and intellect of the child. children fails to recognize the importance of friends and family and they lack the interactive spirit and conversation ability. This makes the kids lack behind in the later phase of life especially when their job profile expects the public interaction. The lack of physical activity undoubtedly reflect on their health in the form of various life-style diseases.

    Hence, on deep analysis, we can just call these techno-toys as a curse which indirectly snatches the small interesting events from the childhood days.