XML developer CV sample - XML developer CV formats / templates

CV for XML Developer
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  • RE: XML developer CV sample - XML developer CV formats / templates -Rajvardhan Rane (08/27/12)
  • XML developer CV sample

    Telephone: +91 9954******
    Email: Swa***@yahoo.com

    Career summary

    -Dedicated XML specialist with 2 years of experience in web service designing, java development, coding, testing.
    -Ability to work under pressure and maintain the schedule.
    -Able to meet the deadlines.

    Skill sets :

    -Hardworking, and dedicated.
    -Excellent written and oral communication skills.
    -Strong organizational skills.

    Technical expertise :

    -Strong experience with web testing, coding and Java development.
    -Strong experience with XML, NIEM and standards.

    Key responsibilities handled:

    -Responsible for developing a set of standard software engineering processes utilized by agencies.
    -Develop data standards, data exchange, XML data standard or data sharing model.
    -Provide technical XML consulting services to the management and support staff.
    -Handle the queries regarding XML and troubleshoot problems.
    -Working on the different phases of the life cycle like analysis, designing, development and maintenance.
    -Maintained operational documentation.


    -OP techs from20** till date

    Educational Qualification :

    -B.E. with Information technology with A% from GH university
    -HSC with A% from DB college

    Achievements :

    -Best student award during graduation
    -Awarded as Best XML developer by *** tech institute

    Personal Details
    -Date of Birth : XX.XX.19XX
    -Languages Know : English, Hindi, and Marathi.
    -Address : Cxx, DXXXX, HSD, XXXX