You have to break a few eggs to make an omellette - Group discussion.

This prominent proverb means that in order to achieve something, we should necessarily destroy something. So you can’t relish an omellette, until you break the egg. This statement can be taken positively or negatively based on an individual’s perception.


- Destroying doesn’t necessarily mean in the true or the literal sense. Athletes that run in a race often overlook an injury of their competitor in order to win the race.

- In today’s challenging and competitive environment, only the “survival of the fittest” exists. In order to survive, one needs to break or tear some things.

- At times on destroying existing things, one can invariably devise or build something better.

-With changing environments in terms of inflation and economy, destroying becomes inevitable.


- It is often believed that a successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks thrown at him. This way, he need not destroy anything or make any compromises.

- Some people tend to take the word “destroy” way to literally. This leads them to involve in a lot of unethical activities.

- When this strategy is adopted by a country’s president, it often leads to hurting the sentiments of a number of communities and leads to violence.

- If we’re not sure of our vision, we not just land up not achieving our goals, but also land up destroying what we have.

- Destruction for the most part, reflects a selfish attitude which cannot last long.

While achieving success is everyone’s vision and competition is inevitable, we should be careful that until we are not affirmative of building something better, existing things must not be destroyed. For some people in order to survive, destroying comes out of no choice.
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