Great spirits face violent opposition from mediocre minds.

It is our general observation that Great minds are always different. Their ideologies, perspective etc are very unique. That is what gives them an edge and shine out.


- People like Einstein didn’t believe in going to college. Certainly, this is difficult to digest by the mediocre minds.

- Great minds usually give a lot of thought if they have to research on something. They can give up everything they have to attain their goals.

- People like Bill Gates gave up his college to build Microsoft. Certainly, mediocre minds can oppose this.

- Great minds don’t need support from anybody. They stick to their goals. Mediocre minds usually lose hopes in such cases.

- Great minds don’t get influenced. A mediocre mind will always look for profits.


- This may not be true in all cases. Most of us consider great spirits as our idols and move along.

- Mediocre minds are satisfied with what they have. They don’t have to oppose anyone.

- They say that “Great minds think alike”. So, usually only a mediocre mind can oppose a mediocre mind.

- Great or mediocre is just the way we look at ourselves. If we are positive in our attitude, we think of ourselves as great minds. That leaves no space to oppose anybody.

All of us have our circumstances that are tied to us. In order to achieve our goals, it may be required to give up everything we possess. Considering the era we live in, this may not be possible. What makes a mind great is to achieve your goals. You don’t have to always discover something to be a great mind.
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