Yoga - not limited to Hindus


- Yoga has been emulated in the west in many countries.

- Yoga is a mean to have salvation and thus everyone is doing yoga worldwide to earn their salvation.

- Yoga is a mixture of meditation and some acrobatic exercises which is done to take control over one’s won body and mind.

- Yoga is very beneficial to mind and body both, thus it should not be limited only to a certain section of people, especially Hindus, as everyone should benefit from it.

- Yoga is done by people in the west to stay fit and healthy and it also has many medical benefits, which is what yoga is basically meant for. So there is no point in keeping this practice of yoga to Hindus only.


- It’s been sensationalized in the west but its true and pure manner can be manifested only in true Hindu civilization where it is deep rooted.

- Yoga is done to attain salvation i.e. it’s a way to unite one’s body to that of god in a spiritual way and it is not recommended in any other culture to attain salvation.

- Yoga is religious in nature and is used by high class Indians, like Brahmins and pundits in order to follow the path to God and people other than Hindus believe in no such thing.
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