For an idea to be accepted it has to be advertised by a good salesman - Group Discussion

Whether it’s our personal life or professional, we are expected to present ideas. We are expected to be innovative in our approach of resolving issues. Many of us have good ideas rolling in our mind. But, for our ideas to be accepted, people need to have faith and confidence in them. So, either our ideas have to be advertised well or as individuals, we have to be prominent for people to have faith in our ideas.


- There is no point in having ideas if you can’t present them.

- If you have an idea, you have to do something about it.

- Even though your idea may be innovative; if you don’t have a good salesman to advertise it, the essence and the semantic of the idea may be lost.

- Consider an e.g. of opening a restaurant. If you have ideas of renovating it, people should know about it.

- Consider an example of a scientist discovering a medicine for cancer. Unless you don’t advertise it well, people won’t gain confidence.


- What people are interested in today is the final product. So, no one wants to and has the time to hear your ideas.

- Even though your idea may be extremely innovative, you can prove yourself only once it gets implemented as expected.

- People like seeing proof of concept. So, if you have an idea of increasing the sales of a commodity, people today will accept your idea only if it was implemented somewhere else.

- Good advertising is not the only way for ideas to be accepted. If your company or as an individual, you have good credentials, people have faith in your ideas.

We live in an environment where we are expected to be innovative and come up with new ideas. You don’t always need someone else to advertise your idea. You can do it yourself. No one can understand your idea better than yourself.
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