A permanent seat in the UN Security Council is neither necessary nor sufficient for India to become a world power - Group Discussion

The United Nations Security Council is an organization that has the primary responsibility of maintenance of international peace and security. The council is composed of 5 permanent members and ten non-permanent members including India(2012). Because of the nature of functioning of this body, a permanent seat for India could add an advantage.


- Few of the goals of the council are to eradicate poverty, reduce child mortality etc. India, as a country is anyway encountering these issues today.

- India needs to grow more from an economical and technological standpoint. Such a seat is not necessary for India to become a world power.

- The permanent members of the seat are extremely advanced countries.

- There could be many more ways for India to become a world power. For e.g. India can improve the literacy rate, try and eradicate crime and poverty. When such things are in control, a country inherently emerges as a world power.


- It will give India more recognition than today.

- With the kind of structure, recognition and powers this council holds, if India becomes a permanent member, it can gradually help India become a world power.

- The council resolved issues like Peace consolidation in West Africa, The situation in the Middle East etc. such Issues will make India an even more responsible country.

- Most foreign nationals perceive India to be a little less advanced country. Such a seat could help India get rid of such perceptions.

- Few of the functions and powers of such a council is to take military action against an aggressor and to formulate plans for the establishment of a system to regulate armaments. India, being strong from a military perspective could be considered as a world power.

They say that with great powers comes great responsibility. It is also true that we need to start from somewhere. Even though a permanent seat in the UN council may not be sufficient for India to become a world power, it can be a step ahead in becoming one. India has emerged as a developing nation and will continue to do so. Such a seat is necessary for India to gain world power.
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  • RE: A permanent seat in the UN Security Council is neither necessary nor sufficient for India to become a world power - Group Discussion -vanchha dwivedi (10/04/14)
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