Which industries offer job opportunities to a mechatronics engineer?

What all industries offer job opportunities to a mechatronic engineer? Also, please mention the career avenues that I can take up.

There are various industries, such as automobile, aerospace, defence and energy, etc that have started hiring mechatronic engineers. Industries dealing with manufacture of industrial and domestic products, drugs, furniture and handle processing of chemicals and foods require the assistance of mechatronic engineers. Even NASA, used the principle of mechatronics for the development of Mars rover which is an impressive example. After completion of your graduation in mechatronics, you can get positions such as a systems engineer, application engineer, product development engineer, quality and safety engineer, research and development engineers, project supervisors and managers in the industries and research institutes. You can get employment opportunities in all sectors of manufacturing, electrical and electronic industry starting from product designing, manufacturing, system designing, marketing of mechatronics products and services. You will get loads of opportunities in the areas of research and development activities.
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  • RE: Which industries offer job opportunities to a mechatronics engineer? -Ankit (04/12/15)