Asipre Systems Placement - Technical Programming questions from past

Asipre Systems Placement - Technical Programming questions from past

Here are some of the programs which are asked in the written test in the technical round of Aspire System.

Find the output for the following programs:

• Write a program to print the Pascal triangle.

• Without using fourth variable, swap three variables.

• Find the sub-array of the maximum sum series of the given array.

• Write a program to multiply three numbers without using multiplication sign.

• Write a program to find the sum of digits of a given number until the sum becomes a single digit.

• Write a program to find whether the 2nd bit is 1 or 0 for a given decimal number.

• Write a program to shorten a given floating point value. Do not allocate the float value to integer and then copy the integer value to float.

• Write a program to remove repeated or duplicate elements in an array.

• Write a program to print a word in Pascal triangle structure.

• Write a program using pointers to reverse a string.

• Write a program to swap two numbers without using assignment operator in any part of the program.

• Write a program to find the factorial of a number using recursive function.

• Write a program to find whether the given number is an Armstrong number.

• Write a program to find the reverse of a number given.

• Write a program for matrix multiplication.

• Write a program to find the number of alphabets in a sentence.

• Write a program to find the second smallest number in an array.

• Write a program to round-off a given floating point value.

• Write a program to find whether the given number or string is palindrome sequence.

• Write a program to find the position of decimal point in a given floating point value.
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