ATOS Origin Placement Papers - Verbal Ability Questions

ATOS Origin Placement Papers – Verbal Ability Questions

• The below given sentence is split into four parts, choose the correct alternative which is grammatically incorrect.

a. Its own
b. Interests
c. Provinces are
d. Working for

a. If you saw
b. The number of pancakes he
c. Consumed at breakfast this morning
d. You would have understood why he is so overweight

a. He blurs
b. Among
c. The distinctions
d. High art and commercialism

• A part of the below mentioned sentence is underlined, choose the correct alternative to rephrase the underlined part.

1. Standards of reportage in the profession have actually risen in recent years, with specialists lending credibility to the printed word.

a. By specialists lending credibility for the printed word.
b. With specialists lending credibility to the printed word.
c. As specialists lending credibility to the printed word.
d. With specialists who have lend credibility to the printed word.

2. The newly elected president refused to be drawn into a debate over the severe criticism launched on the government’s economic policies.

a. Had nothing to say
b. Refused to comment
c. Didn’t know anything about the government’s economic policies
d. Did not want to participate in a discussion

3. He is by far the best actor we have in the Indian Cinema.

a. By the way
b. Anyway
c. Beyond all comparison
d. Anyhow

• Choose the correct synonyms for the below given words:

a. Scoot
b. Walk
c. Slow
d. Absconding


a. Commentary
b. Scoop
c. Dissertation
d. Theme

• Choose the correct antonym for the below given words:


a. Inordinate
b. Inexpensive
c. Unwarranted
d. Unconscionable


a. Softness
b. Sympathy
c. Kindness
d. Animosity

• Complete the below mentioned sentence with the correct option.

1. I always _______________ professional demeanour.

a. Have a
b. Maintain a
c. Put on a
d. Carry a

2. He _______________ for standing up for his principles.

a. Will pay a price
b. Paid a price
c. Should pay a price
d. Has to pay a price

• Mark the alternative that bears a similar relation to the pair given in the question.

1. Skin: Dermatologist

a. Eye: Sight
b. Heart: Cardiology
c. Bone: Orthopaedist
d. Brain: Nerves

• Read the following passage carefully and answer the below mentioned questions based on the passage carefully.

Our understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages. This has its analogy to the time when people’s understanding of our solar system was based upon the belief that the sun revolved around the earth, as it certainly appeared that way – however, just the reverse was true. The problem was, as long as we believed the sun went around the earth; we were limited as to how far we could go in the solar system.

We find the same condition existing today in regard to the Emotional System. Society believed that our emotional feelings are a result of our experiences. In essence: something happened and it made me feel the way I do. This belief, though it is certainly the way it appears, is just the reverse of how it really works.

What happens to us as we embrace an emotional feeling is that it is first received by our brain, which converts it into electrical energy that flows through our body by means of the central nervous system? We can often ‘feel the changes’ in our body associated with the experience of emotions. When this occurs, an electromagnetic field is generated around our body, which attracts to us another person who has an identical electromagnetic field around their body and the same emotional feeling in their heart.

Because society has the understanding of this relationship backwards, we have not been able to make much progress in the emotional area. Believing that something or someone made us feel the way we do gives rise to the concept of victimization. To see self as a victim places the responsibility for our feelings on someone or something other than self. The real problem with this view is that if we are not responsible for having created our feelings, we are also unable to change those feelings and create new and different ones.

This dilemma we face creates quite a struggle in life. Although we may externally struggle with different circumstances and situations, the emotional feelings associated with them are always the same – frustration, resentment, anger, etc.

This predicament is exemplified by compulsive behaviour. The characteristic of compulsive behaviour is that it is reactive in nature. In other words, we have done it before, we are
consciously aware that we have done it. Since we do not like it, we get down on ourselves for having done it again.

To state a simple rule: there is an inverse relationship between struggling with a problem and understanding the problem. Understanding how the emotional system really works allows the resolution of problems without struggle.

1. As per the author, seeing oneself as a victim leads to:

a. Blaming other people that leads to soured relationships
b. Feeling worthless and despondent
c. Feeling worthless and repeatedly asking others for advice
d. Feeling helpless and letting others control your lives.

2. What is the central theme of the passage?
a. Making us aware of the fact that many misfortunes that we attribute to others in reality is our fault.
b. Demonstrate the difference between struggling and understanding a problem.
c. Enable us to realise the real mechanism on which our emotions operate.
d. Explain the underlying reasons for compulsive behaviour.

3. What happens after we embrace an emotional feeling?
a. We feel the need to interact with people
b. We feel enthused with the feeling of being alive
c. It is achieved by the brain which converts it into electrical energy
d. It reaches the brain which converts it into magnetic energy

4. What does the author want to highlight with the solar system example mentioned in the passage?
a. The fact that the true mechanism on which our emotions operate is the reverse of what is popularly believed, like the solar system
b. The fact that we all seem to revolve aimlessly like planets, owing to a misunderstanding of the true mechanism on which our emotions operate.
c. The fact that a mistaken belief severely restrained the efforts of human beings in case of the solar system, similar to the belief in the mechanism on which our emotions operate.
d. Both B and C

• Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition

1. I resigned my post _______________ my friend
a. In favour of
b. For
c. Into
d. With

• Arrange the below mentioned four sentences in a logical sequence to form a coherent paragraph.
i. They are signs
ii. They do not more than denote the objects to which they are attached.
iii. Such things are not symbols.
iv. Abbreviations and trademarks are meaningless in themselves; they have acquired recognisable meaning through common usage.


• Fill in the blanks with the appropriate choice:
1. This sort of an aggressive attitude would only serve to ___________ the supporters you already have.
a. Alienate
b. Exhort
c. Encourage
d. Cooperate

2. The groups were feared but at the same time _______ by the locals.
a. Detested
b. Loathed
c. Revered
d. Rebelled

• In the following passage there are blanks which have been numbered. These numbers are printed below in the passage and against each number there are 5 options given. Choose the correct option and fill in the blank with the appropriate word.

The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to 1 the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have 2 too powerful for these condition, by which they are fettered and so soon as they overcome these fetters, they 3 disorder into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger the 4 if bourgeois property. The conditions of bourgeois society are too narrow to 5 the wealth created by them. And how does the bourgeoisie get over the 6?
a. Farther
b. Father
c. Further
d. Auxiliary

a. Became
b. Becomes
c. Become
d. Been

a. Bring
b. Brought
c. Brings
d. Bright

a. Exists
b. Exit
c. Exist
d. Existence

a. Comprise
b. Compromise
c. Cover
d. Concession

a. Crunches
b. Disasters
c. Sequence
d. Crises
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