Biosphere and the Ecosystem - Biodiversity- Classification of species, types - Part II

Biosphere and the Ecosystem: Biodiversity- Classification of species, types - Part II

1. What are not the causes responsible for mass extinctions?

a. Global Warming
b. Global Cooling
c. Predation
d. Pollution

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ANSWER: d. Pollution

2. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. Sentinel species are very sensitive indicators of environmental problems.

II. Keystone species play an important role in affecting many other organisms.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

3. What are the causes of biodiversity loss?

I. Habitat loss
II. Intensive agriculture
III. Pollution
IV. Environmental degradation

a. I and II only
b. II and III only
c. I only
d. All

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ANSWER: d. All

4. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. If an area is unusually rich in biodiversity and this flora and fauna are under a constant threat of overexploitation, it is called a biodiversity hotspot.

II. There are about 25 such hotspots in the world, mostly in the tropical forests.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

5. Where do we find the vast majority of species?

a. In the poorer countries
b. In the richer countries
c. In Europe
d. In the US

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ANSWER: a. In the poorer countries

6. Which is the first stage in the process of a species becoming irreversibly extinct?

a. Ecological extinction
b. Mass extinction
c. Local extinction
d. Biological extinction

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ANSWER: c. Local extinction

7. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. We need to conserve the biodiversity for the survival of human beings.

II. There are two main types of conservation: In situ and Ex situ.

III. While in situ conservation protects species where they are, ex situ conservation protects species in a place away from the natural habitat.

a. I only
b. I and III only
c. II and III only
d. All

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ANSWER: d. All

8. Which of the following methods is not in situ conservation?

a. Setting up a national park
b. Establishing a reserve forest
c. Setting up a biosphere reserve
d. Building a seed bank

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ANSWER: d. Building a seed bank

9. Which of the following methods is not ex situ conservation?

a. Breeding animals in a zoo
b. Setting up a botanical garden
c. Establishing a national park
d. Setting up an aquarium

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ANSWER: c. Establishing a national park

10. Which is the most important international agreement for conserving all biodiversity?

a. Convention on Biological Diversity
d. Convention on Ballast Water

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ANSWER: a. Convention on Biological Diversity

11. Which of the following measures is not a part of India's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan?

a. Restoration and regeneration of degraded ecosystems

b. Recognition of community rights

c. Preventing deprivation of indigenous people from natural resources

d. Allowing free export of medicinal plant species

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ANSWER: d. Allowing free export of medicinal plant species

12. Consider the following statements. Identify the right ones.

I. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was approved in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and came into force in 1993.

II. Under the convention, governments are required to develop national biodiversity strategies and action plans.

a. I only
b. II only
c. Both
d. None

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ANSWER: c. Both

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