Can too much sleep be harmful for health?

Can too much sleep be harmful for health?

Sleep is the basic necessity of any human being. It provides necessary rest and relaxation to the body. But a new study has revealed that too much of sleep can be harmful for health.

As per that study, 7 hours of sleep is sufficient for body and oversleeping can have its repercussions on the health. So, what is the truth behind the quantum of sleep, let’s find out:-


1. Everything in our daily regime has to be fixed and balanced including the time of sleeping. Crossing that limit can cause unnecessary harm to the body.

2. Oversleeping can create nausea and at times headache also.

3. Oversleeping is not a natural process. If one is sleeping for very long fours, it means that he is not having proper sleep. Such problems could create indigestion problems as well as diabetes. If someone is sleeping for longer than naturally required, they should consult a physician as there could be a medical condition like hypothyroid associated with it.

4. For patients of migraine, regulated sleep is must. Oversleeping also creates a tendency of laziness and inactiveness.

5. Many a times oversleeping also results in obesity and back pain.

6. Doctors have advised a very fixed and regulated sleep to gain the real benefits of it. Over or under sleeping can create health issues.


1. Sleeping is a natural process and the quantum of sleep can’t be decided by any individual. In fact not having sufficient sleep can create health problems.

2. A lot of time, oversleeping is important because of the kind of fatigue that is caused and it does not harm the body but helps in rejuvenating.

3. For many people, who work late night, 6-7 hours of sleep is not sufficient and they need extended sleeping hours to recover their body energy.

4. Many times, while sleeping, we dream and as per doctors dreams are a reason of fatigue. In such cases, one needs to sleep more that the usual period to overcome his drowsiness.

5. Oversleeping is nothing but a state of mind. One sleeps according to his body requirements. And sleep does not have any impact on our health.

There is no doubt in the fact that sleep is very important for a healthy and energetic day.
So, proper and required sleep can’t be compromised at all.

But there has been sufficient evidence to prove that excess amount of it can create problems like diabetes, indigestion, headache, obesity, backpain etc. so, one needs to take full and proper sleep but should also keep in mind that excess of anything is harmful.

A proper sleep can make the day energetic and healthy but oversleeping can create dullness all over.
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  • RE: Can too much sleep be harmful for health? -Deepa Kaushik (04/16/14)
  • Sleep is an important activity of a person’s life. I helps to rejuvenate energy to maintain the equilibrium and effective functioning of the human body. But too much of anything is hazardous, so is sleep too. Sleep is good to the required extent only. Sleeping a lot causes a feedback mechanism disrupting the work efficacy.

    Sleeping more than the required extent is a key indicator of ill-health, especially the tiredness of the body. But this can be the reason for a day or two. Continuing the same theme on daily basis causes lethargy and stupor. Person becomes incapable to think and act wisely. His reflexes slows down. There is a generalised tiredness and weary outlook.

    Sleep to an increased degree may also lead to obesity which is again a lifestyle disorder. Prolonged sleep reduces the productive period of the person. The work gets hampered and also the person is unable to maintain punctuality. Sleep till late morning also devoid the person of regular morning exercises and fitness regime.
  • RE: Can too much sleep be harmful for health? -pankaj singh (03/17/14)
  • sleep is neccesary for health. sleep helps to reduce stres and make the body energetic. everybody need to sleep atlist 7 hours. every thing is bad for health if we do it more.