Career Optiions for a Yoga trainer

What all career options are available as a yoga trainer?

- Yoga is one of those rare occupations which not only pays you but also actually satisfies and contents you. Nearly all fitness training centres and gyms have regular yoga classes. Various five star and luxury hotels also hire yoga trainers for their guests. Several spa and resort chains also employ yoga trainers.

- There is an emerging trend of corporate, hiring yoga trainer for their employees. A yoga trainer can also work part time with such corporate.

- Yoga trainers can also work as independent instructors. Trainers can earn depending on the number of hours they indulge themselves in training.

- A yoga trainer can also work in academic institutions such as schools, universities and adult education centres.

- Various job opportunities are available in Rehabilitation and trauma centres. Then there are old age communities where a yoga trainer can find employment.

- Yoga trainers can also work in paramedical and nursing institutes, Naturopathy and health clubs.

- Countries of the western world have also perceived Yoga and have welcomed it with open hands and warm hearts. There are several universities abroad where they run degree courses in yoga. One can also find an employment abroad as a yoga trainer both in academic institutions and communities.
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