Cognizant Technical Test Questions

Cognizant Technical Test Questions

Cognizant Technology Solutions has a technical round of interview which is an important round and many candidates get eliminated if they take it lightly. Java, Data Structure, C# are few of the languages which are favourite with the technical interviewer.

Candidates are expected to prepare well in advance and should have good technical knowledge for which they may be selected. The most frequently asked questions, as observed in previous years test are listed below and will help you in your preparation of the interview.

• Explain what you mean by trouble pointer?
• Explain what is a semaphore?
• Explain database tuning?
• Explain the different types of database?
• Explain what do you mean by “DBA”?
• To reverse a “linklist” can you write a program?
• Can you tell the difference between a stack and a queue?
• What do know about “gates”?
• How can you draw a truth table of Nand gate?
• What is recursion?
• What is the difference between Java Class and C struct?
• Can you give examples of data types?
• Can you explain how OFC provides more security?
• For multiplication of two numbers, write a C programing code.
• C provides how many types of data structure?
• Explain the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
• Explain what is normalization?
• What is the difference between CDMA and GSM?
• Write a simple query in SQL.
• Can you write a program on swapping?
• What are the functions of compiler?
• What are the number of files that can be declared in CL and SYNON?
• What is the difference between C and C++?
• Between Java, C and C++ what is the main difference?
• Can you give examples of different types data structure in real environment?
• Can you tell me how can you implement linked list?
• Explain what do you mean by deadlock?
• Explain the difference between a monitor and semaphore?
• Explain command line argument.
• Explain function.
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