Data Transfer Instructions in MCS-51 - MCQs with Answers

Data Transfer Instructions in MCS-51 - MCQs with Answers

Q1. How many single byte, two-byte and three-byte instructions are supported by MCS-51 from the overall instruction set?

a. 55 - single byte, 35 two-byte & 21 three-byte instructions
b. 50 - single byte, 30 two-byte & 31 three-byte instructions
c. 42 - single byte, 45 two-byte & 24 three-byte instructions
d. 45 - single byte, 45 two-byte & 17 three-byte instructions

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ANSWER: d. 45- single byte, 45 two-byte & 17 three-byte instructions

Q2. What kind of PSW flags remain unaffected by the data transfer instructions ?

a. Auxillary Carry Flags
b. Overflow Flags
c. Parity Flags
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: d. All of the above

Q3. Which instruction should be adopted for moving an accumulator to the register
from the below mentioned mnemonics?

a. MOV A, Rn
b. MOV A, @ Ri
c. MOV Rn, A
d. MOV direct, A

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Q4. What does the instruction XCHD A, @Ri signify during the data transfer in the program execution ?

a. Exchange of register with an accumulator
b. Exchange of direct byte with an accumulator
c. Exchange of indirect RAM with an accumulator
d. Exchange of low order digit indirect RAM with an accumulator

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ANSWER: d. Exchange of low order digit indirect RAM with an accumulator

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