Data warehousing terminologies

Data warehousing terminologies

1) The generic two-level data warehouse architecture includes which of the following?
A) At least one data mart.
B) Data that can be extracted from numerous internal and external sources.
C) Near real-time updation.
D) All the mentioned above.
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ANSWER: B) Data that can be extracted from numerous internal and external sources.

2) Which of the following are known as fact tables?
A) Completely denormalized
B) Partially denormalized
C) Completely normalized
D) Partially normalized
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ANSWER: C) Completely normalized

3) Data mart is designed to optimize the performance of well-defined and predicable users.
A) True
B) False
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4) Which phase needs to deliver an overall architecture satisfying the long-term requirement.
A) Technical blueprint
B) Building the version
C) History load
D) Ad hoc query
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ANSWER: A) Technical blueprint

5) Which phase includes the following
a) Transforming the data into a form suitable for analysis.
b) Extracting and loading data from different source system.
c) Backing up restoring, and archiving the data.

A) Ad hoc query
B) Automation
C) Extending scope
D) History load
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ANSWER: B) Automation

6) A data cube helps us to represent data in multiple dimensions.
A) Yes
B) No
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7) Decision support system (DSS) is.
A) A family of relational database management system marketed by IBM.
B) Iteractive systems that enable decision maker to use databases and models on a computer in order to solve I'll - structure problems.
C) It consists of nodes and branches starting from a single root node, each node represents a test or decision.
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: B) Iteractive systems that enable decision maker to use databases and models on a computer in order to solve I'll - structure problems.

8) The data that are used to represent other data is known as metadata.
A) True
B) False
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9) Which metadata contains the data ownership information business definition and changing policies?
A) Operational metadata
B) The alogorithms for summarization
C) Business metadata
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: C) Business metadata

10) Metadata repository is not an integral part of a data warehouse system.
A) True
B) False
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ANSWER: B) False

11) A star schema has what type of relationship between a dimension and fact table.
A) Many-to-Many
B) One-to-One
C) One-to-Many
D) All the mentioned above
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ANSWER: C) One-to-Many

12) Which measures can be summed across any of the dimensions associated with the fact table.
A) Additive measures
B) Non-additive measures
C) Semi additive measures
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: A) Additive measures

13) What splits up data into additional table.
A) Normalization
B) Denormalization
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
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ANSWER: A) Normalization

14) What kind of costs are involved in data marting?
A) Hardware and software cost
B) Network access cost
C) Time cost
D) All the mentioned above
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ANSWER: D) All the mentioned above

15) _________ schema that a data warehouse system can implements.
A) Star schema
B) Snowflake schema
C) Fact constellation schema
D) All the mentioned above
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ANSWER: D) All the mentioned above

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