Have you had a chance to give feedback about another person? How did it help them?

Have you had a chance to give feedback about another person? How did it help them?

This question aims to check your ability to analyse others and communicate your thoughts proactively to the stakeholders.

Focus your answer on the factors, on which your assessment was based and the way you communicated it.
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  • RE: Have you had a chance to give feedback about another person? How did it help them? -Farhana Afreen (07/06/15)
  • It is an important task when you have to give feedback about others. Some important decisions are based upon your feedback sometimes so it is absolutely necessary that the candidate who has the power to give feedbacks should have analytical qualities and is capable of giving unbiased and accurate feedback about people working with him. At management level, your feedbacks could affect promotion and future of employees under you. The interviewer seeks to know if you are capable of making sensitive and sensible
    sessions such as this.

    Account such an instance when your feedback about a junior intern helped him land with the job permanently or when you feedback about an employee got him a promotion. Make sure you mention in your answer that you gave the positive feedback only because the candidate in question was deserving enough and had proved his worth in the job.

    Also mention that if required and if you see that the candidate is lacking, your feedback would ensure that the truth is told. If you are talking negative feedbacks that you have given in the past, do add that the feedback helped the candidate work towards what was previously lacking in him and brought changes for good.

    Your description about the incident should bring out your communicative skills and how a positive way of communication can help the candidate understand that the negative feedback is only intended to point out things that he can change for his own benefits.