Helping hands are better than praying lips - Group discussion

We all face problems and unfavorable circumstances. During this time, we expect people (relatives, friends etc.) to pray for us. At times, situations are so bad that we expect people to help us rather than praying. Even though praying is helping in a way, our mind expects an “immediate” need.


- Sometimes, out situations gets worse. Prayers are something we all can do. What we need at this time is a helping hand.

- Let’s take an example of someone who needs blood. This situation requires immediate help.

- Situations like when someone can’t cook- Certainly, you can’t pray. You have to help.

- There are so many ways by which we can offer a helping hand in many situations. Help doesn’t have to be big or small. There are so many institutes for orphans, widows etc. to which we can contribute.


- This statement may not hold true for people who themselves need help. Consider people at an old age. Least they can do is pray.

- For someone who is close to you and is going through pressures like marriage, dowry etc.; in such cases, all you can do is pray.

- If you can’t help, you can at least pray. It is better than not doing anything.

- When there are people who you know and are critical, you have to pray.

- At times you are not in a position to offer a helping hand. But, praying costs nothing.

Helping someone in need is the best thing we can do. They say that what goes around comes around. A help doesn’t always have to be monetary. Working for an NGO or doing some community service is another form of help.
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