Instructions Using Stack Pointer - MCQs with Answers

Instructions Using Stack Pointer - MCQs with Answers

Q1. What is the status of stack pointer for the execution of PUSH and POP operations ?

a. It gets post-decremented for PUSH & pre-incremented for POP
b. It gets pre-incremented for PUSH & post-decremented for POP
c. It gets pre-incremented for PUSH as well as POP
d. It gets post-decremented for PUSH as well as POP

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ANSWER: b. It gets pre-incremented for PUSH & post-decremented for POP

Q2. What does the following pictorial representation of PUSH operation in the stack pointer indicate among the below stated conclusions/inferences?

PUSH Operation in Stack Pointer

A. Stack Pointer is incremented by 2
B. Location 55H in on-chip stack memory gets loaded with 44H
C. Stack Pointer gets initialized by 56H
D. Data Pointer gets loaded with an immediate data 44H which ultimately leads to initialization of stack pointer

a. Only A
b. Only B
c. B & D
d. C & D

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ANSWER: d. C & D

Q3. Which instructions contribute to an effective adoption or utilization of stack memory which usually plays a crucial role in storage of intermediate results?

d. All of the above

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ANSWER: d. All of the above

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