Is unconditional loyalty a virtue?

Is unconditional loyalty a virtue?

It is said extreme of anything is harmful, so is unconditional loyalty. It will some time or the other lead you into some problem.


- Loyalty should not be over powering your values and ethics. In today’s time absolute loyalty is not practical, it should be provisional
- A cognizance of this would give one the mettle to take ostracised stances that go against the dominant imprudent sentiments in groups
- Unconditional loyalty often leads to ignoring other person’s faults which should not be done
- Loyalty should be mitigated with veracity and astuteness and must adhere to the values one holds
- Unconditional loyalty calls for two-facedness and emboldens malevolent nature into individuals


- Loyalty builds trust and for every relation trust is the base line to maintain the relations
- If you have conditions on loyalty then in a way you would be breaking the other persons trust as well as his dependency on you
- If loyalty is conditional, you will not be able to help your relatives and friends who are in need in turn you will not only breaking their trust but also you will be leaving them alone in time of need


- People should have the ability to weigh where they have to showcase unconditional loyalty and where they have to be careful. It is true that unconditional loyalty should not be taken over your values and ethics.
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  • RE: Is unconditional loyalty a virtue? -Rishika Jalan (04/19/14)
  • Yes I agree with the statement that unconditional loyalty is a virtue. No relationship is meaningful unless it is loyal. A disloyal relation is of no worth and if your loyalty is based on conditions then there is no trust left in the relation. A loyalty which comes with conditions is not loyalty in the true sense. That just means a person will support you till you are doing the right things, which anyhow everybody will. An unconditional loyalty means that a person will support you in all the cases no matter what. He will help you correct your wrong actions and support you to become better. This encourages a relation and fills it with trust and love. But yes if a person falls in a wrong trap and continues to do wrong acts then he cannot expect unconditional loyalty. He can make a mistake once or twice but repeatedly he cannot be forgiven or overlooked. Thus unconditional loyalty mostly depends on the kind of relation people share with each other.
  • RE: Is unconditional loyalty a virtue? -Rajani Sharma (01/10/14)
  • For:
    • Unconditional loyalty to someone or a group allows different segments of groups like friends, family, colleagues, etc. to trust you and to remain open with you in all the discussions.

    • Unconditional loyalty is a virtue for the people who are also involved in the same kind of work and possess the same kind of friendship with each other.

    • It needs to be practiced with the people having the same behaviour towards those who follows unconditional loyalty.

    • Unconditional loyalty should be followed till the time the person doesn’t involve in any wrongdoings and supports you the same way.

    • Unconditional loyalty is a virtue that needs to be treated unbiased which differentiate clearly from right to wrong.

    • Unconditional Loyalty should not be forced; it needs to come from individual’s interest

    • Unconditional Loyalty is a virtue only if it doesn’t let your belief and morals down.

    • Unconditional loyalty that doesn’t satisfy the inner self or the work that he is supporting then it is not a virtue

    • Unconditional loyalty makes the person weak as the individual loses the sense to differentiate between wrong or right.

    • Unconditional loyalty should not become a virtue as the person should be able to differentiate between right or wrong.

    •Loyalty should be conditional and it should be based on individual’s own set of values.

    • Unconditional loyalty makes a person biased towards individual in fights, in arguments, in discussions due to support in every condition whether it is right or wrong.