Limitations & Applications of Transducers - MCQs with answers

Limitations & Applications of Transducers - MCQs with answers

1. Piezo-electric crystals gets easily dissolved in ________

a. high humidity circum-ambient due to higher water solubility

b. low humidity circum-ambient due to lesser water solubility

c. high humidity circum-ambient due to lesser water solubility

d. low humidity circum-ambient due to higher water solubility

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ANSWER: a. high humidity circum-ambient due to higher water solubility

2. What is the major functioning role of piezoelectric transducers in spark ignition engines and electrostatic dust filters?

a. Provision of high voltage & high current electric power

b. Provision of low voltage & low current electric power

c. Provision of high voltage & low current electric power

d. Provision of low voltage & high current electric power

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ANSWER: c. Provision of high voltage & low current electric power

3. Which category of photo-electric transducer leads to the production of an output voltage only in accordance and proportional to the radiation intensity?

a. Photo-emissive Transducer
b. Photo-conductive Transducer
c. Photo-voltaic Transducer
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: c. Photo-voltaic Transducer

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