Sure or Sure to

Sure or Sure to

Sure is an adjective that means confident that one is right, positive, convinced, definite, assured, true without a doubt, something that can be relied on, and the word can be used to indicate emphasis. There are other forms of sure – surer as the comparative form and surest as the superlative form.


I am sure I have seen that movie before.

Or, It is sure that learning English is complex.

Sure to is usually used when there is surety that something will be done, or to receive something or get.


He is sure to come first in the class.

Or, She is sure to dance well and win the first prize.

Test your understanding - From among the given pair of sentences, pick the one that is correct
a. Manchester United is sure win the FIFA world cup this year.
b. Manchester United is sure to win the FIFA world cup this year.

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ANSWER: b. Manchester United is sure to win the FIFA world cup this year.

a. The girls were sure they had finished the relay race at a better time than the boys.
b. The girls were sure to they had finished the relay race at a better time than the boys.

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ANSWER: a. The girls were sure they had finished the relay race at a better time than the boys.

a. Preeti came late to class and the teacher is sure give her a warning this time.
b. Preeti came late to class and the teacher is sure to give her a warning this time.

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ANSWER: b. Preeti came late to class and the teacher is sure to give her a warning this time.

a. Marley was sure to that he will return home with at least 95% in Mathematics as he had done his paper very well.
b. Marley was sure that he will return home with at least 95% in Mathematics as he had done his paper very well.

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ANSWER: b. Marley was sure that he will return home with at least 95% in Mathematics as he had done his paper very well.

a. Cyclone HudHud is sure cause vast devastation along the coast of Orissa and Karnataka.
b. Cyclone HudHud is sure to cause vast devastation along the coast of Orissa and Karnataka.

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ANSWER: b. Cyclone HudHud is sure to cause vast devastation along the coast of Orissa and Karnataka.

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