Telecommuting is the new work culture and saves us from the hustle bustle of morning traffic

Telecommuting is the new work culture and saves us from the hustle bustle of morning traffic

Telecommuting saves you from the hustle bustle of morning traffic and also increases your productivity. What do you think are the major requirements other than a computer and Internet, for a person to work remotely?

It is true that telecommuting is the new work culture and saves us from the hustle bustle of morning traffic. It is also true that in lot of cases it increases the productivity as well.
It has lots of advantages like hidden costs which are associated with going to work are saved like fuel cost, wear and tear of the vehicle, parking costs etc. Moreover, it provides flexibility to an individual to adjust his routine according to his convenience. In addition, it reduces various kinds of stress like the one involved in commuting due to traffic, or due to unfriendly co-workers, or due to suboptimal work environment to name a few.

Since the stresses and distractions are removed, hence the performance may increase due to more relaxed and happier frame of mind of the person. The health of the person may also increase. This is because long commutes often in the high traffic areas badly impact the physical and mental health of people. It creates a better work – life balance.

But it is not very easy to implement it. For example, if practiced for a long duration, professionals working from home start feeling a sense of isolation and loneliness.

Successful telecommuting has more requirements than just a computer and internet. For example, work from home also provides various forms of distractions like children, neighbours, friends, family. Hence, a big pre-requisite for this kind of an arrangement is a personal office space in the house and a care taker who can take care of all these things, while you can work.

Also, it requires a huge sense of self – discipline so that one can separate work from home. Also one should be have the will power to enforce strict and definite work hours. That means, 8 hours work, should be completed in 8 hours only, even in work from home environment.

Another pre-requisite is that one should maintain regular touch with the office colleagues so that one is aware of happenings in the professional environment and is not overlooked for promotion.

Hence, telecommuting is not as easily implementable as it may sound. It also has certain pre-requisites which need to be taken care of for it to yield results.
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  • RE: Telecommuting is the new work culture and saves us from the hustle bustle of morning traffic -rishika jalan (04/14/14)
  • With the advancement of the internet in today’s world and the presence of computers and mobiles in almost every home, a new culture of work has started in many companies which are granting permission to work from home. This new work culture also called telecommuting is the new generation’s demand and is very much beneficial to both the employees and the companies. It undoubtedly, saves us from the hustle bustle of morning traffic. It saves a lot of hidden costs for both the company and employees. The company can save a lot of money which would have been otherwise spent on floor space, electricity bills and canteen bills. Even the employees can save their traveling costs, wear and tear of vehicles, office wears and other miscellaneous expenses. The employees also get a lot of time flexibility. Their productivity also increases in this way and they are able to perform well. But sometimes if this is practiced for a long duration of time, then it can also have negative impacts. The employee can lose professional touch and feel isolated. Many a times, a lot of interference is faced due to children, friends and family at home. One might not be able to finish his work on time due to imbalance in work and personal life. Thus this form of telecommuting is beneficial only when practiced for a limited period of time.