The freedom struggle till 1905 - MCQs with answers - Part I

The freedom struggle till 1905 - MCQs with answers - Part I

1. Which among the following were factors for growth of Modern Nationalism?

1. An understanding of contradiction between Indian and Colonial interest.
2. Western thought and Education
3. Role of Press and Literature
4. Benevolent Nature of British government

1. All of the above
2. A, B and C
3. Only D
4. A and D

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ANSWER: 2. A, B and C

British government was tough and brutal. It was not benevolent.

2. Find the correct option:

1. The middle class intelligent rose during this period.
2. Historical researchers tried to pot ray good from India’s past.

1. Only A
2. Only B
3. A and B
4. None

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ANSWER: 3. A and B

3. Government policies which evoked reactions before 1905 were:

1. Reduction of ICS age limit to 19 years.(1876)
2. Grand Durbar of Delhi(1877)
3. Vernacular Press Act(1878)
4. Arms Act (1878)

1. All of the above
2. A, B and C
3. Only D
4. A and D

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ANSWER: 1. All of the above

4. Illbert Bill was brought up by:

1. Lord Lytton
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Barlow
4. Lord Canning

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ANSWER: 2. Lord Ripon

5. In 1851, Bengal British India Society and Landholder’s society merged to form:

1. The Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha
2. The Zamindari Association
3. British India Asssociaton
4. The East India Association

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ANSWER: 3. British India Asssociaton

6. The East India Association was formed in year 1866 in London by:

1. Pherozshah Mehta
2. Surendranath Benarjee
3. Anandranath Bose
4. Daadbhai Naroji

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ANSWER: 4. Daadbhai Naroji

7. Find the correct Answer:

A) Anand Mohan Bose and Surendranath Benarjee founded Indian Association of Calcutta.
B) It was formed in year 1876.

1. Only A
2. Only B
3. A and B
4. None

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ANSWER: 3. A and B

8. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was formed in the year:

1. 1865
2. 1866
3. 1867
4. 1868

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ANSWER: 3. 1867

Main founder of Sabha was Mahadeo Govind Ranade.

9. Who founded The Bombay Presidency Association:

1. B Tyabji
2. P Mehta
3. K T Telang
4. All of the above

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ANSWER: 4. All of the above

It was found inn the year 1885.

10. Who founded The Madras Mahajan Sabha?

1. M Viraraghavachari
2. B Subramania Aiyer
3. P Anandcharlu
4. All of the above

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ANSWER: 4. All of the above

It was found inn the year 1884.

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  • RE: The freedom struggle till 1905 - MCQs with answers - Part I -Sipun Majhi (11/15/17)
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