Things I have learned from successful people!

Things I have learned from successful people!

There are a few things that I have learned and analyzed to practice regularly from successful people. There is no hidden rocket science behind the success of these successful men. They are also like us barring a few things they follow tirelessly and stringently that most of us fail to do.

I am going to presents here a few common practices they follow and achieve glittering results. They might sound boring and obsolete but emulating and practicing them would definitely bring fabulous benefits.

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Reading habits

Once out from school and college, our process of learning shouldn't stop. We should keep adding more ingredients to our knowledge base to evolve in life. We need to stroll books, newspapers or articles on internet which keep us abreast with different prospects of life. There are books on self development, health, autobiography and many more. Every book has some thing worth a take away.

After reading a few books, you will get a hang of them and start enjoying them. Your overall personality turns into a new leaf and many new ideas crop up. A good book always has a salutary effect on the mind of a reader. This helps in transcending your approach and makes life better. Your ability to solve life's problems would bolster and you can see through eventualities at ease.

When reading becomes a hobby, it ultimately fetches great bounty in your professional and personal life.

Wake up early

Mornings are a time to reflect without that tiny voice in your head trying to look for answers or form opinions. Our worldly attachments to people, material things bring us pain and sufferings. Try to harness a sense of well-being and happiness in the morning that will take you through a roller-coaster life. There are people who enjoy sleeping till late morning. It's a fact that we require only 6 hours of blissful sleep at night in order to rejuvenate our body and beyond this we are just forcing our body to relax more.

Imagine what would happen if you eat 2-3 doses of a medicine to bring body temperature down when 1 dose is sufficient!

When you get up early, you can exercise, study or meditate and all these can double your success rate. You have more time for everything.

Never stop learning

Learning is the only thing which our mind never rejects and exhausts to accept. In fact, learning a new thing freshens and excites our mind which prevents our body from the state of doldrums.

We come across many experiences of life, try to learn everyday and from everyone in every aspect of life. Learning is a best medicine to keep stress at bay. There is no shortage of causes for stress in this busy and cut-throat time, your mind should always blossom with new ideas and learning to defuse the predator of stress.

Socialize/ Network

One can sharpen skills by socializing and networking. We can learn from other's experience only through interaction with different sects of people. Many venues in life open up while chatting with friends and others. We have social platforms available on internet which facilitate socializing without physical proximity. You can get in touch with many people of your endeavor and interact on facebook, twitter etc. Interaction with people opens you up and broadens your views and in many ways enthuses you to achieve more in life.


Discipline is an imperative trait to be followed to excel in life. Most of us loosen up and become relaxed after acquiring some success.

"Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there."

In order to recreate and replicate the success, we shouldn't forget the perennial of discipline. We learn many good traits and habits during our formative phase of life; those are imperative parameters for sustained growth. One who keeps himself in line with these habits, always blooms and touches new heights.
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  • RE: Things I have learned from successful people! -saini (09/17/13)
  • All the points are relevant